### Binder Models # Standard Imports import socket import urllib2 # 3rd Party from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup as BS import dns.exception import dns.query import dns.tsig import dns.zone # App Imports from binder import exceptions from django.db import models TSIG_ALGORITHMS = (('hmac-md5', 'MD5'), ('hmac-sha1', 'SHA1'), ('hmac-sha256', 'SHA256'), ('hmac-sha384', 'SHA384'), ('hmac-sha512', 'SHA512')) class Key(models.Model): """ Store and reference TSIG keys. TODO: Should/Can we encrypt these DNS keys in the DB? """ name = models.CharField(max_length=255) data = models.CharField(max_length=255) algorithm = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=TSIG_ALGORITHMS) def __unicode__(self): return self.name def create_keyring(self): if self.name is None: return None try: keyring = dns.tsigkeyring.from_text({ self.name : self.data }) except binascii.Error, err: raise exceptions.KeyringException("Incorrect key data. Verify key: %s. Reason: %s" % (key_name, err)) return keyring class BindServer(models.Model): """ Store DNS servers and attributes for referencing their statistics ports. Also reference FK for TSIG transfer keys, if required. """ hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) statistics_port = models.IntegerField() default_transfer_key = models.ForeignKey(Key, null=True, blank=True) def __unicode__(self): return self.hostname def list_zones(self): """ List the DNS zones and attributes. TODO: Parse these XML more intelligently. Grab the view name. Any other data available? Returns: List of Dicts { String view_name, String zone_name, String zone_class, String zone_serial } """ zone_req = urllib2.Request("http://%s:%s" % (self.hostname, self.statistics_port)) try: http_request = urllib2.urlopen(zone_req) except urllib2.URLError, err: raise exceptions.ZoneException(err) return_array = [] xmloutput = http_request.read() mysoup = BS(xmloutput) views = mysoup.findAll("view") for view in views: view_name = view.find("name").string for zone in view.findAll("zone"): zone_name, zone_class = zone.find("name").string.split("/") zone_serial = zone.find("serial").string if zone_class == "IN": return_array.append({"view_name" : view_name, "zone_name" : zone_name, "zone_class" : zone_class, "zone_serial" : zone_serial }) return return_array def list_zone_records(self, zone_name): """ List all records in a specific zone. TODO: Print out current_record in the loop and see if we can parse this more programatically, rather than just splitting on space. What is the difference between class and type? Arguments: String zone_name: Name of the zone Returns: List of Dicts { String rr_name, String rr_ttl, String rr_class, String rr_type, String rr_data } """ try: transfer_key = Key.objects.get(name=self.default_transfer_key) keyring = transfer_key.create_keyring() except Key.DoesNotExist: keyring = None try: zone = dns.zone.from_xfr(dns.query.xfr(self.hostname, zone_name, keyring=keyring)) except dns.tsig.PeerBadKey: # The incorrect TSIG key was selected for transfers. raise exceptions.TransferException("Unable to list zone records because of a TSIG key mismatch.") except socket.error, err: # Thrown when the DNS server does not respond for a zone transfer (XFR). raise exceptions.TransferException("DNS server did not respond for transfer. Reason: %s" % err) except dns.exception.FormError: # When the DNS message is malformed. # * Can happen if a TSIG key is required but a default_transfer_key is not specified. raise exceptions.TransferException("Unable to perform AXFR to list zone records. Did you forget to specify a default transfer key?") names = zone.nodes.keys() names.sort() record_array = [] for current_name in names: current_record = zone[current_name].to_text(current_name) for split_record in current_record.split("\n"): current_record = split_record.split(" ") rr_dict = {} rr_dict["rr_name"] = current_record[0] rr_dict["rr_ttl"] = current_record[1] rr_dict["rr_class"] = current_record[2] rr_dict["rr_type"] = current_record[3] rr_dict["rr_data"] = current_record[4] record_array.append(rr_dict) return record_array