from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup as BS from django.db import models import dns.query import import re import urllib2 TSIG_ALGORITHMS = (('hmac-md5', 'MD5'),('hmac-sha1', 'SHA1'),('hmac-224', 'SHA224'),('hmac-sha256', 'SHA256'),('hmac-sha384', 'SHA384'),('hmac-sha512', 'SHA512')) class BindServer(models.Model): hostname = models.CharField(max_length=100) statistics_port = models.IntegerField() control_port = models.IntegerField() def __unicode__(self): return self.hostname def list_zones(self): """ Take a DNS server, and list the DNS zones it provides resolution for. """ # I should take the dns_hostname here, get the object from the DB, # and use the status port attribute for the urllib2 query. myreq = urllib2.Request("http://%s:%s" % (self.hostname, self.statistics_port)) try: http_request = urllib2.urlopen(myreq) except urllib2.URLError, err_reason: # Error retrieving zone list. return { 'errors' : "Trying to retrieve zone list from %s: %s" % (self.hostname, err_reason) } return_array = [] xmloutput = mysoup = BS(xmloutput) zones = mysoup.findAll('zone') for current_zone in zones: # Interate over found zones zone_name = current_zone.find("name").string.split("/IN")[0] zone_serial = current_zone.find("serial").string zone_class = current_zone.find("rdataclass").string if zone_class == "IN": return_array.append({"zone_name" : zone_name, "zone_serial" : zone_serial }) return return_array def list_zone_records(self, zone): """Given a zone, produce an array of dicts containing each RR record and its attributes.""" try: zone =, zone)) except dns.exception.FormError, err: raise Exception("The zone requested %s is not found on %s." % (zone, self.hostname)) names = zone.nodes.keys() names.sort() record_array = [] for current_name in names: current_record = zone[current_name].to_text(current_name) for split_record in current_record.split("\n"): # Split the records on the newline record_array.append({'rr_name' : split_record.split(" ")[0], 'rr_ttl' : split_record.split(" ")[1], 'rr_class' : split_record.split(" ")[2], 'rr_type' : split_record.split(" ")[3], 'rr_data' : split_record.split(" ")[4]}) return record_array class Key(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) data = models.CharField(max_length=150) algorithm = models.CharField(max_length=200, choices=TSIG_ALGORITHMS) def __unicode__(self): return