=== Plugin Name === Contributors: happybooking Donate link: http://www.happybooking.de/wordpress/plugins/extended-toc/donate Tags: table of contents, indexes, toc, sitemap, cms, options, list, page listing, category listing Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.5.2 Stable tag: 0.8.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This plugin automatically generates and inserts a table of contents (ToC) to your pages and posts, based on tags h1-h6. It can deal with nextpage-tag. == Description == This plugin automatically generates and inserts a table of contents (ToC) to your pages and posts, based on tags h1-h6. Whenever the plugin discovers more than a certain amount of headings (default: 3) the ToC is inserted at the top of the page. This plugin also can handle posts that are divided into pages by the nextpage-wordpress-tag. By using the markups [extoc] you can decide where to insert the ToC. Also you can use a whitelist by disable general ToC insertion and insert the ToC to special pages/subpages/posts by [extoc]. Otherwise you can use a blacklist and disable the ToC only on special pages/subpages/posts by using the [noextoc] markup. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. = Available Languages = * English * German == Installation == The normal plugin install process applies, that is search for `Extended Table of Contents (with nextpage support)` from your plugin screen or via the manual method: 1. Upload the `extended-toc` folder into your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress That's it! You can change the default settings and more under Plugins > Extended-ToC == Screenshots == 1. Table of Contents after a preamble 2. The options panel found under Plugins > Extended-ToC 3. Markup example within the post content == Frequently Asked Questions == If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us at any time: support@happybooking.de or http://www.happybooking.de/ == Changelog == = 0.8.3 = * Minor CSS style changes = 0.8.2 = * Bug influence with SEO Plugin fixed / Bug numbering item list fixed = 0.8.1 = * Switch on/off the numbering of the list items (headers) * Anchor bugs fixed = 0.8.0 = * Override the ToC position by using the markup [extoc] * Insert the ToC only in special pages/subpages/posts by using the markup [extoc] * Disable insertion in special pages/subpages/posts by using [noextoc] = 0.7.1 = * Small updates to the german translation file = 0.7.0 = * Show the header hierarchy within the ToC * Further options for (min amount of headers, show/don't show header, show headers hierarchy) = 0.6.4 = * Released: 1 July 2013 * First release of the ToC supporting nextpage-tag == Upgrade Notice == Update folder with the latest files. All previous options will be saved.