Add query vars -> Recalculate rewrite rules add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', array($this, 'create_rewrite_rules')); add_filter('query_vars',array($this, 'add_query_vars')); // Recalculates rewrite rules during admin init to save resources. // Could probably run it once as long as it isn't going to change or check the // $wp_rewrite rules to see if it's active. add_filter('admin_init', array($this, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); add_action( 'template_redirect', array($this, 'template_redirect_intercept') ); add_filter ( 'the_content', array($this, 'content_filter')); add_filter ( 'comment_text', array($this, 'comment_filter')); add_filter ( 'get_comment_author_link', array($this, 'comment_filter')); add_action('owark_schedule_event', array('Owark', 'schedule')); if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'owark_schedule_event', array('occurrences' => 30) ) ) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'owark_schedule_event', array('occurrences' => 30)); } } function Owark() { // PHP4-style constructor. // This will NOT be invoked, unless a sub-class that extends `foo` calls it. // In that case, call the new-style constructor to keep compatibility. self::__construct(); } /** * Check we have everything we need... * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function sanity_checks(){ // print_r_log("Sanity checks"); // Install or upgrade tables if needed $installed_ver = get_option( "owark_db_version" ); if ($installed_ver != $this->version) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix."owark"; $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, url text NOT NULL, status varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'to-archive', arc_date datetime, arc_location text, encoding varchar(10), PRIMARY KEY(`id`), KEY `url` (`url`(150)) )"; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'); dbDelta($sql); update_option( "owark_db_version", $this->version ); $this->notices = "

The owark table has been installed or upgraded to version {$this->version}

"; } // Check that the broken link checker is installed if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) require_once (ABSPATH."wp-admin/includes/plugin.php"); $blc = 'not-found'; foreach(get_plugins() as $plugin_file => $plugin_data) { if ($plugin_data['Title'] == 'Broken Link Checker') { if (is_plugin_active($plugin_file)) { $blc = 'active'; } else { $blc = 'inactive'; } } } if ($blc == 'inactive') { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

Please activate the Broken Link Checker so that the Open Web Archive can be fully functional.

"; } else if ($blc == 'not-found') { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archive relies on the Broken Link Checker. Please install this plugin!

"; } // Check if we have an archive subdirectory $archives_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/archives'; if (!is_dir($archives_dir)) { @mkdir($archives_dir); if (!is_dir($archives_dir)) { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archive has not been able to create the folder /archives in its installation directory. Please create it by hand and make it writable for the web server.

"; } } elseif (! is_writable($archives_dir)) { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archive needs a writable folder /archives in its installation directory. Please make it writable for the web server.

"; } // Check that we can execute commands if ( ini_get('disable_functions') ) { $not_allowed = ini_get('disable_functions'); if ( stristr($not_allowed, 'exec') ) { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archives requires that exec() is allowed to run wget and retrieve the pages to archive.

"; } } // Check that wget is installed $output = array(); exec('/usr/bin/wget -V', $output); if ( empty($output) ) { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archives is not able to run GNU wget and retrieve the pages to archive. Please check that wget is installed and on the default path.

"; } // We need as least version 1.11 or higher $helper = preg_match('/GNU Wget ([0-9\.]+) /', $output[0], $wget_version); if ( $wget_version[0] < '1.11' ) { $this->notices = $this->notices . "

The Open Web Archives needs GNU wget version 1.11 or higher.
Version read: {$wget_version[0]}

"; } if ($this->notices != '') { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notices')); } } /** * Show admin notices * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function admin_notices(){ echo $this->notices; } /** * Admin menus * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function owark_admin_menu() { add_management_page(__('The Open Web Archive', 'owark'), __('Web Archive', 'owark'), 'edit_others_posts', 'owark', array($this, 'management_page')); } /** * URL of an archive page * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function get_archive_url($archive_id) { return home_url().'/owark/'.$archive_id; } /** * Display the admin/tools page. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function management_page() { //must check that the user has the required capability if (!current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) { wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') ); } global $wpdb; echo '
'; screen_icon(); echo '

Owark - The Open Web Archive

'; echo '

Tired of broken links? Archive yours with the Open Web Archive!

'; echo "
"; echo '

List of broken links with archived pages:

'; $query = "SELECT, owark.url, owark.status, owark.arc_date, owark.arc_location, blc_links.status_text FROM {$wpdb->prefix}owark AS owark, {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links as blc_links WHERE owark.url = blc_links.final_url COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci and blc_links.broken = 1 ORDER BY owark.url"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($results as $link) { $archive_url = $this->get_archive_url($link->id); echo ""; } echo ''; echo '
url}\" target='_blank'>{$link->url} {$link->arc_date}
'; } /** * Add a rewrite rule to display archive pages * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function create_rewrite_rules($rules) { global $wp_rewrite; $newRule = array('owark/(.+)' => 'index.php?owark='.$wp_rewrite->preg_index(1)); $newRules = $newRule + $rules; return $newRules; } /** * Add a query variable used to display archive pages * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function add_query_vars($qvars) { $qvars[] = 'owark'; return $qvars; } /** * Title says it all ;) ... * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function flush_rewrite_rules() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } /** * Intercepts archive pages. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function template_redirect_intercept() { global $wp_query; if ($wp_query->get('owark')) { $this->display_archive($wp_query->get('owark')); exit; } } /** * Filter to replace broken links in comments. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function content_filter($content) { global $post; return $this->link_filter($content, $post->ID, $post->post_type); } /** * Filter to replace broken links in comments. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function comment_filter($content) { return $this->link_filter($content, get_comment_ID(), 'comment'); } /** * Generic filter to replace broken links in content. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function link_filter($content, $post_id, $post_type) { global $wpdb; // See if we haven't already loaded the broken links for this post... if ($this->post_id != $post_id || $this->post_type != $post_type) { $this->post_id = $post_id; $this->post_type = $post_type; //Retrieve info about all occurrences of broken links in the current post //which happens for comments (they have links to check in 2 different filters) $q = " SELECT instances.raw_url, FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_instances AS instances, {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links AS links, {$wpdb->prefix}owark AS owark WHERE instances.link_id = links.link_id AND owark.url = links.final_url COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci AND instances.container_id = %s AND instances.container_type = %s AND links.broken = 1 "; $q = $wpdb->prepare($q, $this->post_id, $this->post_type); $results = $wpdb->get_results($q); $this->broken_links = array(); foreach ($results as $link) { $this->broken_links[$link->raw_url] = $link->id; } } if (empty($this->broken_links)) { return $content; } // Regexp : see return preg_replace_callback('/(]+)(["\'][^>]*>.*?<\/a>)/si', array( $this, 'replace_a_link'), $content); } /** * Replace a link. * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function replace_a_link($matches) { if (array_key_exists($matches[2], $this->broken_links)) { return $matches[1].$this->get_archive_url($this->broken_links[$matches[2]]).$matches[3]; } else { return $matches[0]; } } /** * Display an archive page * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ function display_archive($parameter) { global $wpdb; $id = intval($parameter); $query = "SELECT * from {$wpdb->prefix}owark AS owark where id = {$id}"; $link = $wpdb->get_row($query); $wpdb->flush(); // Find the file to read $blog_title = get_bloginfo('name'); $home_url = home_url(); $loc = ""; if( ($pos = strpos($link->arc_location, '/archives')) !== FALSE ) $loc = '/wp-content/plugins/owark' . substr($link->arc_location, $pos); $arc_loc = home_url() . $loc; // The file name is either index.html or guessed from the URL if ($home_url[strlen($home_url)] == '/') { $file_location = '.'. $loc .'/index.html'; } else { $parts = str_split($home_url, '/'); $file_location = '.'. $loc . $parts[count($parts)] . '.html'; } if (!file_exists($file_location)) { // If index.html doesn't exist, find another html file! $dir = opendir('.'.$loc); if ($dir) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ('.html' === substr($file, strlen($file) - 5)) { $file_location = '.'.$loc.'/' . $file; break; } } closedir($dir); } } // Read the file if (file_exists($file_location)) { $f = fopen($file_location, "r"); $content = fread($f, filesize($file_location)); fclose($f); } else { $content = 'Archive not found'; } // Which encoding? $encoding = $link->encoding; if ($encoding == NULL) { // We need to guess the encoding! $matches = NULL; // if (preg_match('/]*charset\s*=\s*([^"\'>]+)\s*["\']/si', $content, $matches) > 0) { $encoding = $matches[1]; } else { $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($content); } if ($encoding) { $wpdb->update( "{$wpdb->prefix}owark", array('encoding' => $encoding), array('id' => $id)); } } header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$encoding"); echo ' '; echo ""; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo "This is an Open Web Archive archive of url}\">{$link->url}."; echo "
This snapshot has been taken on {$link->arc_date} for the website {$blog_title} which contains a link to this page and has saved a copy to be displayed in the page ever disappears."; echo '
'; $f = fopen($file_location, "r"); echo $content; echo '
'; } /** * Check if we've got something to archive * * @package owark * @since 0.1 * * */ public static function schedule($occurrences) { $archiving = get_option( 'owark_archiving', false); if (! $archiving) { update_option('owark_archiving', true); } else { return; } global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT final_url from {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links WHERE final_url NOT IN (SELECT url COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci FROM {$wpdb->prefix}owark) AND broken=0 AND final_url!=''"; $url = $wpdb->get_row($query); print_r_log($url); $wpdb->flush(); if ($url != NULL) { $date = date('c'); $relpath = '/archives/'. str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(preg_replace('/https?:\/\//', '', $url->final_url))) . '/' . $date; $path = dirname(__FILE__).$relpath; //mkdir($path, $recursive=true); $output = array(); $status = 0; exec("wget -t3 -E -H -k -K -p -nd -nv --timeout=60 --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; owark/0.2;\" -P $path {$url->final_url}", $output, $status); print_r_log("wget status: $status"); $q = $wpdb->insert("{$wpdb->prefix}owark", array( 'url' => $url->final_url, 'status' => $status, 'arc_date' => $date, 'arc_location' => $relpath)); if ($occurrences > 0) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 90, 'owark_schedule_event', array('occurrences' => $occurrences - 1)); } } delete_option('owark_archiving'); } } } if (class_exists("Owark")) { $owark = new Owark(); } ?>