/*                       __  __           _     
       WordPress Plugin |  \/  |         | |    
  _ __   __ _  __ _  ___| \  / | __ _ ___| |__  
 | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ |\/| |/ _` / __| '_ \ 
 | |_) | (_| | (_| |  __/ |  | | (_| \__ \ | | |
 | .__/ \__,_|\__, |\___|_|  |_|\__,_|___/_| |_|
 | |           __/ |  Author: Joel Starnes
 |_|          |___/   URL: pagemash.joelstarnes.co.uk
 >>Decodes JSON data and updates database accordingly

if(!$_POST['m']) die('No data.'); //die if no data is sent
require_once('myjson.php'); //JSON decode lib
$root = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
if(file_exists($root.'/wp-load.php')) {
} else {
	// Pre-2.6 compatibility

if(!current_user_can('edit_pages')) die("You don't have the correct priviledges.");

global $wpdb, $excludePages, $wp_rewrite;
$excludePages = array();

// fetch JSON object from $_POST['m']
$json = new Services_JSON(); 
$data = (array) $json->decode(stripslashes($_POST['m']));

function saveList($parent, $children) {
	global $wpdb, $excludePages;
	$parent = (int) $parent;
	$result = array();
	$i = 1;
	foreach($children as $k => $v) {
		//IDs are 'JM_#' so strip first 3 characters
		$id = (int) substr($children[$k]->id, 3); 
		//if it had the remove class it is now added to the excludePages array
		if(isset($v->hide)) $excludePages[] = $id;
		//update pages in db
		$postquery  = "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET ";
		$postquery .= "menu_order='$i', post_parent='$parent'";
		if(isset($v->renamed)) $postquery .= ", post_title='".$wpdb->escape($v->renamed)."'";
		$postquery .= " WHERE ID='$id'"; 
		echo $postquery."\n";
		if(isset($v->children[0])) saveList($id, $v->children);


echo "Update Pages: \n";
echo saveList(0, $data);

echo "\n\nExclude Pages: \n";

//update excludePages option in database
update_option("exclude_pages", $excludePages, '', 'yes');