* define('USE_MYSQL', true); * */ if (defined('USE_MYSQL') && USE_MYSQL === true) return; function pdo_log_error($message, $data = null) { if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin') !== false) { $admin_dir = ''; } else { $admin_dir = 'wp-admin/'; } die(<< WordPress › Error




HTML ); } if (version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.4', '<')) { pdo_log_error('PHP version on this server is too old.', sprinf("Your server is running PHP version %d but this version of WordPress requires at least 5.2.4", phpversion())); } if (!extension_loaded('pdo')) { pdo_log_error('PHP PDO Extension is not loaded.', 'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the PDO extension which is required for this version of WordPress.'); } if (!extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) { pdo_log_error('PDO Driver for SQLite is missing.', 'Your PHP installtion appears not to have the right PDO drivers loaded. These are required for this version of WordPress and the type of database you have specified.'); } /* * Notice: * Your scripts have the permission to create directories or files on your server. * If you write in your wp-config.php like below, we take these definitions. * define('DB_DIR', '/full_path_to_the_database_directory/'); * define('DB_FILE', 'database_file_name'); */ /* * PDODIR is SQLite Integration installed directory. */ if (defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR')) { define('PDODIR', WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/sqlite-integration/'); } else { if (defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR')) { define('PDODIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/sqlite-integration/'); } else { define('PDODIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/sqlite-integration/'); } } /* * FQDBDIR is a directory where the sqlite database file is placed. * If DB_DIR is defined, it is used as FQDBDIR. */ if (defined('DB_DIR')) { if (substr(DB_DIR, -1, 1) != '/') { define('FQDBDIR', DB_DIR . '/'); } else { define('FQDBDIR', DB_DIR); } } else { if (defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR')) { define('FQDBDIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/database/'); } else { define('FQDBDIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/database/'); } } /* * FQDB is a database file name. If DB_FILE is defined, it is used * as FQDB. */ if ( defined('DB_FILE' )) { define('FQDB', FQDBDIR . DB_FILE); } else { define('FQDB', FQDBDIR . '.ht.sqlite'); } /* * UDF_FILE is a file that contains user defined functions. */ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) { define('UDF_FILE', PDODIR . 'functions-5-2.php'); } elseif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=')) { define('UDF_FILE', PDODIR . 'functions.php'); } require_once PDODIR . 'pdodb.class.php'; ?>