pdo = $GLOBALS['@pdo']; } else { $locked = false; $status = 0; do { try { $this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, null, null, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); require_once UDF_FILE; new PDOSQLiteUDFS($this->pdo); $GLOBALS['@pdo'] = $this->pdo; } catch (PDOException $ex) { $status = $ex->getCode(); if ($status == 5 || $status == 6) { $locked = true; } else { $err_message = $ex->getMessage(); } } } while ($locked); if ($status > 0) { $message = 'Database initialization error!
' . 'Code: ' . $status . '
Error Message: ' . $err_message; $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, $message); return false; } } $this->init(); } /** * Destructor * * If SQLITE_MEM_DEBUG constant is defined, append information about * memory usage into database/mem_debug.txt. * * This definition is changed since version 1.7. * * @return boolean */ function __destruct() { if (defined('SQLITE_MEM_DEBUG') && SQLITE_MEM_DEBUG) { $max = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (is_null($max)) { $message = sprintf("[%s] Memory_limit is not set in php.ini file.", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])); file_put_contents(FQDBDIR . 'mem_debug.txt', $message, FILE_APPEND); return true; } if (stripos($max, 'M') !== false) { $max = (int) $max * 1024 * 1024; } $peak = memory_get_peak_usage(true); $used = round((int) $peak / (int) $max * 100, 2); if ($used > 90) { $message = sprintf("[%s] Memory peak usage warning: %s %% used. (max: %sM, now: %sM)\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']), $used, $max, $peak); file_put_contents(FQDBDIR . 'mem_debug.txt', $message, FILE_APPEND); } } //$this->pdo = null; return true; } /** * Method to initialize database, executed in the contructor. * * It checks if WordPress is in the installing process and does the required * jobs. SQLite library version specific settings are also in this function. * * Some developers use WP_INSTALLING constant for other purposes, if so, this * function will do no harms. * * @return boolean */ private function init() { if (defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING) { $this->prepare_directory(); $statement = $this->pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"); $number_of_tables = $statement->fetchColumn(0); $statement = null; if ($number_of_tables == 0) $this->make_sqlite_tables(); } if (version_compare($this->get_sqlite_version(), '3.7.11', '>=')) { $this->can_insert_multiple_rows = true; } $statement = $this->pdo->query('PRAGMA foreign_keys'); if ($statement->fetchColumn(0) == '0') $this->pdo->query('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON'); } /** * This method makes database direcotry and .htaccess file. * * It is executed only once when the installation begins. */ private function prepare_directory() { global $wpdb; $u = umask(0000); if (!is_dir(FQDBDIR)) { if (!@mkdir(FQDBDIR, 0707, true)) { umask($u); $message = 'Unable to create the required directory! Please check your server settings.'; wp_die($message, 'Error!'); } } if (!is_writable(FQDBDIR)) { umask($u); $message = 'Unable to create a file in the directory! Please check your server settings.'; wp_die($message, 'Error!'); } if (!is_file(FQDBDIR . '.htaccess')) { $fh = fopen(FQDBDIR . '.htaccess', "w"); if (!$fh) { umask($u); $message = 'Unable to create a file in the directory! Please check your server settings.'; echo $message; return false; } fwrite($fh, 'DENY FROM ALL'); fclose($fh); } if (!is_file(FQDBDIR . 'index.php')) { $fh = fopen(FQDBDIR . 'index.php', "w"); if (!$fh) { umask($u); $message = 'Unable to create a file in the directory! Please check your server settings.'; echo $message; return false; } fwrite($fh, ''); fclose($fh); } umask($u); return true; } /** * Method to call install() function which overrides WordPress install(). * * This function is executed only once during the installation process. */ private function make_sqlite_tables() { require_once PDODIR . 'install.php'; } /** * Method to execute query(). * * Divide the query types into seven different ones. That is to say: * * 1. SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * 2. INSERT * 3. CREATE TABLE(INDEX) * 4. ALTER TABLE * 5. SHOW VARIABLES * 6. DROP INDEX * 7. THE OTHERS * * #1 is just a tricky play. See the private function handle_sql_count() in query.class.php. * From #2 through #5 call different functions respectively. * #6 call the ALTER TABLE query. * #7 is a normal process: sequentially call prepare_query() and execute_query(). * * #1 process has been changed since version 1.5.1. * * @param $query full SQL statement string * @return mixed according to the query type * @see PDO::query() */ public function query($query) { $this->flush(); $this->queries[] = "Raw query:\n$query"; $res = $this->determine_query_type($query); if (!$res && defined(PDO_DEBUG) && PDO_DEBUG) { $bailoutString = sprintf(__("

Unknown query type

Sorry, we cannot determine the type of query that is requested.

The query is %s

", 'sqlite-integration'), $query); $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $bailoutString); } switch (strtolower($this->query_type)) { case 'set': $this->return_value = false; break; case 'foundrows': $_column = array('FOUND_ROWS()' => ''); $column = array(); if (!is_null($this->found_rows_result)) { $this->num_rows = $this->found_rows_result; $_column['FOUND_ROWS()'] = $this->num_rows; //foreach ($this->found_rows_result[0] as $key => $value) { //$_column['FOUND_ROWS()'] = $value; //} $column[] = new ObjectArray($_column); $this->results = $column; $this->found_rows_result = null; } break; case 'insert': if ($this->can_insert_multiple_rows) { $this->execute_insert_query_new($query); } else { $this->execute_insert_query($query); } break; case 'create': $result = $this->execute_create_query($query); $this->return_value = $result; break; case 'alter': $result = $this->execute_alter_query($query); $this->return_value = $result; break; case 'show_variables': $result = $this->show_variables_workaround($query); break; case 'showstatus': $result = $this->show_status_workaround($query); break; case 'drop_index': $pattern = '/^\\s*(DROP\\s*INDEX\\s*.*?)\\s*ON\\s*(.*)/im'; if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $match)) { $drop_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . trim($match[2]) . ' ' . trim($match[1]); $this->query_type = 'alter'; $result = $this->execute_alter_query($drop_query); $this->return_value = $result; } else { $this->return_value = false; } break; default: $engine = $this->prepare_engine($this->query_type); $this->rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query, $this->query_type); if (!is_null($this->pre_ordered_results)) { $this->results = $this->pre_ordered_results; $this->num_rows = $this->return_value = count($this->results); $this->pre_ordered_results = null; break; } $this->queries[] = "Rewritten:\n$this->rewritten_query"; $this->extract_variables(); $statement = $this->prepare_query(); $this->execute_query($statement); if (!$this->is_error) { $this->process_results($engine); } else {// Error ; } break; } if (defined('PDO_DEBUG') && PDO_DEBUG === true) { file_put_contents(FQDBDIR . 'debug.txt', $this->get_debug_info(), FILE_APPEND); } return $this->return_value; } /** * Method to return inserted row id. * * @return unsigned integer */ public function get_insert_id() { return $this->last_insert_id; } /** * Method to return the number of rows affected. * * @return unsigned integer */ public function get_affected_rows() { return $this->affected_rows; } /** * Method to return the queried column names. * * These data are meaningless for SQLite. So they are dummy emulating * MySQL columns data. * * @return array of the object */ public function get_columns() { if (!empty($this->results)) { $primary_key = array( 'meta_id', 'comment_ID', 'link_ID', 'option_id', 'blog_id', 'option_name', 'ID', 'term_id', 'object_id', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'umeta_id', 'id'); $unique_key = array('term_id', 'taxonomy', 'slug'); $data = array( 'name' => '', // column name 'table' => '', // table name 'max_length' => 0, // max length of the column 'not_null' => 1, // 1 if not null 'primary_key' => 0, // 1 if column has primary key 'unique_key' => 0, // 1 if column has unique key 'multiple_key' => 0, // 1 if column doesn't have unique key 'numeric' => 0, // 1 if column has numeric value 'blob' => 0, // 1 if column is blob 'type' => '', // type of the column 'unsigned' => 0, // 1 if column is unsigned integer 'zerofill' => 0 // 1 if column is zero-filled ); if (preg_match("/\s*FROM\s*(.*)?\s*/i", $this->rewritten_query, $match)) { $table_name = trim($match[1]); } else { $table_name = ''; } foreach ($this->results[0] as $key => $value) { $data['name'] = $key; $data['table'] = $table_name; if (in_array($key, $primary_key)) { $data['primary_key'] = 1; } elseif (in_array($key, $unique_key)) { $data['unique_key'] = 1; } else { $data['multiple_key'] = 1; } $this->column_data[] = new ObjectArray($data); $data['name'] = ''; $data['table'] = ''; $data['primary_key'] = 0; $data['unique_key'] = 0; $data['multiple_key'] = 0; } return $this->column_data; } else { return null; } } /** * Method to return the queried result data. * * @return mixed */ public function get_query_results() { return $this->results; } /** * Method to return the number of rows from the queried result. * * @return unsigned integer */ public function get_num_rows() { return $this->num_rows; } /** * Method to return the queried results according to the query types. * * @return mixed */ public function get_return_value() { return $this->return_value; } /** * Method to return error messages. * * @return string */ public function get_error_message(){ if (count($this->error_messages) === 0){ $this->is_error = false; $this->error_messages = array(); return ''; } $output = '
'; if ($this->is_error === false){ //return $output; return ''; } $output .= "
Queries made or created this session were
    \r\n"; foreach ($this->queries as $q){ $output .= "\t\t
  1. ".$q."
  2. \r\n"; } $output .= "\t
"; foreach ($this->error_messages as $num=>$m){ $output .= "
Error occurred at line {$this->errors[$num]['line']} in Function {$this->errors[$num]['function']}.
Error message was: $m
"; } ob_start(); debug_print_backtrace(); $output .= '
' . ob_get_contents() . '
'; ob_end_clean(); return $output; } /** * Method to return information about query string for debugging. * * @return string */ private function get_debug_info(){ $output = ''; foreach ($this->queries as $q){ $output .= $q ."\n"; } return $output; } /** * Method to clear previous data. */ private function flush(){ $this->rewritten_query = ''; $this->query_type = ''; $this->results = null; $this->_results = null; $this->last_insert_id = null; $this->affected_rows = null; $this->column_data = array(); $this->num_rows = null; $this->return_value = null; $this->extracted_variables = array(); $this->error_messages = array(); $this->is_error = false; $this->queries = array(); $this->param_num = 0; } /** * Method to include the apropreate class files. * * It is not a good habit to change the include files programatically. * Needs to be fixed some other way. * * @param string $query_type * @return object reference to apropreate driver */ private function prepare_engine($query_type = null) { if (stripos($query_type, 'create') !== false) { require_once PDODIR . 'query_create.class.php'; $engine = new CreateQuery(); } elseif (stripos($query_type, 'alter') !== false) { require_once PDODIR . 'query_alter.class.php'; $engine = new AlterQuery(); } else { require_once PDODIR . 'query.class.php'; $engine = new PDOSQLiteDriver(); } return $engine; } /** * Method to create a PDO statement object from the query string. * * @return PDOStatement */ private function prepare_query(){ $this->queries[] = "Prepare:\n" . $this->prepared_query; $reason = 0; $message = ''; $statement = null; do { try { $statement = $this->pdo->prepare($this->prepared_query); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); } } while (5 == $reason || 6 == $reason); if ($reason > 0){ $err_message = sprintf("Problem preparing the PDO SQL Statement. Error was: %s", $message); $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $err_message); } return $statement; } /** * Method to execute PDO statement object. * * This function executes query and sets the variables to give back to WordPress. * The variables are class fields. So if success, no return value. If failure, it * returns void and stops. * * @param object $statement of PDO statement * @return boolean */ private function execute_query($statement) { $reason = 0; $message = ''; if (!is_object($statement)) return false; if (count($this->extracted_variables) > 0) { $this->queries[] = "Executing:\n" . var_export($this->extracted_variables, true); do { if ($this->query_type == 'update' || $this->query_type == 'replace') { try { $this->beginTransaction(); $statement->execute($this->extracted_variables); $this->commit(); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); $this->rollBack(); } } else { try { $statement->execute($this->extracted_variables); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); } } } while (5 == $reason || 6 == $reason); } else { $this->queries[] = 'Executing: (no parameters)'; do{ if ($this->query_type == 'update' || $this->query_type == 'replace') { try { $this->beginTransaction(); $statement->execute(); $this->commit(); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); $this->rollBack(); } } else { try { $statement->execute(); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); } } } while (5 == $reason || 6 == $reason); } if ($reason > 0) { $err_message = sprintf("Error while executing query! Error message was: %s", $message); $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $err_message); return false; } else { $this->_results = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } //generate the results that $wpdb will want to see switch ($this->query_type) { case 'insert': case 'update': case 'replace': $this->last_insert_id = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); $this->affected_rows = $statement->rowCount(); $this->return_value = $this->affected_rows; break; case 'select': case 'show': case 'showcolumns': case 'showindex': case 'describe': case 'desc': case 'check': case 'analyze': //case "foundrows": $this->num_rows = count($this->_results); $this->return_value = $this->num_rows; break; case 'delete': $this->affected_rows = $statement->rowCount(); $this->return_value = $this->affected_rows; break; case 'alter': case 'drop': case 'create': case 'optimize': case 'truncate': if ($this->is_error) { $this->return_value = false; } else { $this->return_value = true; } break; } } /** * Method to extract field data to an array and prepare the query statement. * * If original SQL statement is CREATE query, this function do nothing and return * true. This returned value is not used. * * @return boolean */ private function extract_variables() { if ($this->query_type == 'create') { $this->prepared_query = $this->rewritten_query; return true; } //long queries can really kill this $pattern = '/(? 10000000) { $query = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, 'replace_variables_with_placeholders'), $this->rewritten_query); } else { do { if ($limit > 10000000) { $message = 'The query is too big to parse properly'; $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $message); break; //no point in continuing execution, would get into a loop } else { ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', $limit); $query = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this,'replace_variables_with_placeholders'), $this->rewritten_query); } $limit = $limit * 10; } while (is_null($query)); //reset the pcre.backtrack_limist ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', $_limit); } $this->queries[] = "With Placeholders:\n" . $query; $this->prepared_query = $query; } /** * Call back function to replace field data with PDO parameter. * * @param string $matches * @return string */ private function replace_variables_with_placeholders($matches) { //remove the wordpress escaping mechanism $param = stripslashes($matches[0]); //remove trailing spaces $param = trim($param); //remove the quotes at the end and the beginning if (in_array($param{strlen($param)-1}, array("'",'"'))) { $param = substr($param,0,-1) ;//end } if (in_array($param{0}, array("'",'"'))) { $param = substr($param, 1); //start } //$this->extracted_variables[] = $param; $key = ':param_'.$this->param_num++; $this->extracted_variables[] = $param; //return the placeholder //return ' ? '; return ' '.$key.' '; } /** * Method to determine which query type the argument is. * * It takes the query string ,determines the type and returns the type string. * If the query is the type that SQLite Integration can't executes, returns false. * * @param string $query * @return boolean|string */ private function determine_query_type($query) { $result = preg_match('/^\\s*(SET|EXPLAIN|PRAGMA|SELECT\\s*FOUND_ROWS|SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|REPLACE|DELETE|ALTER|CREATE|DROP\\s*INDEX|DROP|SHOW\\s*\\w+\\s*\\w+\\s*|DESCRIBE|DESC|TRUNCATE|OPTIMIZE|CHECK|ANALYZE)/i', $query, $match); if (!$result) { return false; } $this->query_type = strtolower($match[1]); if (stripos($this->query_type, 'found') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'foundrows'; } if (stripos($this->query_type, 'show') !== false) { if (stripos($this->query_type, 'show table status') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'showstatus'; } elseif (stripos($this->query_type, 'show tables') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show full tables') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'show'; } elseif (stripos($this->query_type, 'show columns') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show fields') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show full columns') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'showcolumns'; } elseif (stripos($this->query_type, 'show index') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show indexes') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show keys') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'showindex'; } elseif (stripos($this->query_type, 'show variables') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show global variables') !== false || stripos($this->query_type, 'show session variables') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'show_variables'; } else { return false; } } if (stripos($this->query_type, 'drop index') !== false) { $this->query_type = 'drop_index'; } return true; } /** * Method to execute INSERT query for SQLite version 3.7.11 or later. * * SQLite version 3.7.11 began to support multiple rows insert with values * clause. This is for that version or later. * * @param string $query */ private function execute_insert_query_new($query) { $engine = $this->prepare_engine($this->query_type); $this->rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query, $this->query_type); $this->queries[] = "Rewritten:\n" . $this->rewritten_query; $this->extract_variables(); $statement = $this->prepare_query(); $this->execute_query($statement); } /** * Method to execute INSERT query for SQLite version 3.7.10 or lesser. * * It executes the INSERT query for SQLite version 3.7.10 or lesser. It is * necessary to rewrite multiple row values. * * @param string $query */ private function execute_insert_query($query) { global $wpdb; $multi_insert = false; $statement = null; $engine = $this->prepare_engine($this->query_type); if (preg_match('/(INSERT.*?VALUES\\s*)(\(.*\))/imsx', $query, $matched)) { $query_prefix = $matched[1]; $values_data = $matched[2]; if (stripos($values_data, 'ON DUPLICATE KEY') !== false) { $exploded_parts = $values_data; } elseif (stripos($query_prefix, "INSERT INTO $wpdb->comments") !== false) { $exploded_parts = $values_data; } else { $exploded_parts = $this->parse_multiple_inserts($values_data); } $count = count($exploded_parts); if ($count > 1) { $multi_insert = true; } } if ($multi_insert) { $first = true; foreach ($exploded_parts as $value) { if (substr($value, -1, 1) === ')') { $suffix = ''; } else { $suffix = ')'; } $query_string = $query_prefix . ' ' . $value . $suffix; $this->rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query_string, $this->query_type); $this->queries[] = "Rewritten:\n" . $this->rewritten_query; $this->extracted_variables = array(); $this->extract_variables(); if ($first) { $statement = $this->prepare_query(); $this->execute_query($statement); $first = false; } else { $this->execute_query($statement); } } } else { $this->rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query, $this->query_type); $this->queries[] = "Rewritten:\n" . $this->rewritten_query; $this->extract_variables(); $statement = $this->prepare_query(); $this->execute_query($statement); } } /** * Method to help rewriting multiple row values insert query. * * It splits the values clause into an array to execute separately. * * @param string $values * @return array */ private function parse_multiple_inserts($values) { $tokens = preg_split("/(''|(?prepare_engine($this->query_type); $rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query); $reason = 0; $message = ''; //$queries = explode(";", $this->rewritten_query); try { $this->beginTransaction(); foreach ($rewritten_query as $single_query) { $this->queries[] = "Executing:\n" . $single_query; $single_query = trim($single_query); if (empty($single_query)) continue; $this->pdo->exec($single_query); } $this->commit(); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); if (5 == $reason || 6 == $reason) { $this->commit(); } else { $this->rollBack(); } } if ($reason > 0) { $err_message = sprintf("Problem in creating table or index. Error was: %s", $message); $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $err_message); return false; } return true; } /** * Method to execute ALTER TABLE query. * * @param string * @return boolean */ private function execute_alter_query($query) { $engine = $this->prepare_engine($this->query_type); $reason = 0; $message = ''; $re_query = ''; $rewritten_query = $engine->rewrite_query($query, $this->query_type); if (is_array($rewritten_query) && array_key_exists('recursion', $rewritten_query)) { $re_query = $rewritten_query['recursion']; unset($rewritten_query['recursion']); } try { $this->beginTransaction(); if (is_array($rewritten_query)) { foreach ($rewritten_query as $single_query) { $this->queries[] = "Executing:\n" . $single_query; $single_query = trim($single_query); if (empty($single_query)) continue; $this->pdo->exec($single_query); } } else { $this->queries[] = "Executing:\n" . $rewritten_query; $rewritten_query = trim($rewritten_query); $this->pdo->exec($rewritten_query); } $this->commit(); } catch (PDOException $err) { $reason = $err->getCode(); $message = $err->getMessage(); if (5 == $reason || 6 == $reason) { $this->commit(); usleep(10000); } else { $this->rollBack(); } } if ($re_query != '') { $this->query($re_query); } if ($reason > 0) { $err_message = sprintf("Problem in executing alter query. Error was: %s", $message); $this->set_error(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $err_message); return false; } return true; } /** * Method to execute SHOW VARIABLES query * * This query is meaningless for SQLite. This function returns null data with some * exceptions and only avoids the error message. * * @param string * @return ObjectArray */ private function show_variables_workaround($query) { $dummy_data = array('Variable_name' => '', 'Value' => null); $pattern = '/SHOW\\s*VARIABLES\\s*LIKE\\s*(.*)?$/im'; if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $match)) { $value = str_replace("'", '', $match[1]); $dummy_data['Variable_name'] = trim($value); // this is set for Wordfence Security Plugin if ($value == 'max_allowed_packet') { $dummy_data['Value'] = 1047552; } else { $dummy_data['Value'] = ''; } } $_results[] = new ObjectArray($dummy_data); $this->results = $_results; $this->num_rows = count($this->results); $this->return_value = $this->num_rows; return true; } /** * Method to execute SHOW TABLE STATUS query. * * This query is meaningless for SQLite. This function return dummy data. * * @param string * @return ObjectArray */ private function show_status_workaround($query) { $pattern = '/^SHOW\\s*TABLE\\s*STATUS\\s*LIKE\\s*(.*?)$/im'; if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $match)) { $table_name = str_replace("'", '', $match[1]); } else { $table_name = ''; } $dummy_data = array( 'Name' => $table_name, 'Engine' => '', 'Version' => '', 'Row_format' => '', 'Rows' => 0, 'Avg_row_length' => 0, 'Data_length' => 0, 'Max_data_length' => 0, 'Index_length' => 0, 'Data_free' => 0, 'Auto_increment' => 0, 'Create_time' => '', 'Update_time' => '', 'Check_time' => '', 'Collation' => '', 'Checksum' => '', 'Create_options' => '', 'Comment' => '' ); $_results[] = new ObjectArray($dummy_data); $this->results = $_results; $this->num_rows = count($this->results); $this->return_value = $this->num_rows; return true; } /** * Method to format the queried data to that of MySQL. * * @param string $engine */ private function process_results($engine) { if (in_array($this->query_type, array('describe', 'desc', 'showcolumns'))) { $this->convert_to_columns_object(); } elseif ('showindex' === $this->query_type){ $this->convert_to_index_object(); } elseif (in_array($this->query_type, array('check', 'analyze'))) { $this->convert_result_check_or_analyze(); } else { $this->results = $this->_results; } } /** * Method to format the error messages and put out to the file. * * When $wpdb::suppress_errors is set to true or $wpdb::show_errors is set to false, * the error messages are ignored. * * @param string $line where the error occurred. * @param string $function to indicate the function name where the error occurred. * @param string $message * @return boolean */ private function set_error ($line, $function, $message){ global $wpdb; $this->errors[] = array("line"=>$line, "function"=>$function); $this->error_messages[] = $message; $this->is_error = true; if ($wpdb->suppress_errors) return false; if (!$wpdb->show_errors) return false; file_put_contents (FQDBDIR .'debug.txt', "Line $line, Function: $function, Message: $message \n", FILE_APPEND); } /** * Method to change the queried data to PHP object format. * * It takes the associative array of query results and creates a numeric * array of anonymous objects * * @access private */ private function convert_to_object(){ $_results = array(); if (count ($this->results) === 0){ echo $this->get_error_message(); } else { foreach($this->results as $row){ $_results[] = new ObjectArray($row); } } $this->results = $_results; } /** * Method to convert the SHOW COLUMNS query data to an object. * * It rewrites pragma results to mysql compatible array * when query_type is describe, we use sqlite pragma function. * * @access private */ private function convert_to_columns_object() { $_results = array(); $_columns = array( //Field names MySQL SHOW COLUMNS returns 'Field' => "", 'Type' => "", 'Null' => "", 'Key' => "", 'Default' => "", 'Extra' => "" ); if (count($this->_results) === 0) { echo $this->get_error_message(); } else { foreach ($this->_results as $row) { $_columns['Field'] = $row->name; $_columns['Type'] = $row->type; $_columns['Null'] = $row->notnull ? "NO" : "YES"; $_columns['Key'] = $row->pk ? "PRI" : ""; $_columns['Default'] = $row->dflt_value; $_results[] = new ObjectArray($_columns); } } $this->results = $_results; } /** * Method to convert SHOW INDEX query data to PHP object. * * It rewrites the result of SHOW INDEX to the Object compatible with MySQL * added the WHERE clause manipulation (ver 1.3.1) * * @access private */ private function convert_to_index_object() { $_results = array(); $_columns = array( 'Table' => "", 'Non_unique' => "",// unique -> 0, not unique -> 1 'Key_name' => "",// the name of the index 'Seq_in_index' => "",// column sequence number in the index. begins at 1 'Column_name' => "", 'Collation' => "",//A(scend) or NULL 'Cardinality' => "", 'Sub_part' => "",// set to NULL 'Packed' => "",// How to pack key or else NULL 'Null' => "",// If column contains null, YES. If not, NO. 'Index_type' => "",// BTREE, FULLTEXT, HASH, RTREE 'Comment' => "" ); if (count($this->_results) == 0) { echo $this->get_error_message(); } else { foreach ($this->_results as $row) { if ($row->type == 'table' && !stripos($row->sql, 'primary')) continue; if ($row->type == 'index' && stripos($row->name, 'sqlite_autoindex') !== false) continue; switch ($row->type) { case 'table': $pattern1 = '/^\\s*PRIMARY.*\((.*)\)/im'; $pattern2 = '/^\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*.*PRIMARY.*(?!\()/im'; if (preg_match($pattern1, $row->sql, $match)) { $col_name = trim($match[1]); $_columns['Key_name'] = 'PRIMARY'; $_columns['Non_unique'] = 0; $_columns['Column_name'] = $col_name; } elseif (preg_match($pattern2, $row->sql, $match)) { $col_name = trim($match[1]); $_columns['Key_name'] = 'PRIMARY'; $_columns['Non_unique'] = 0; $_columns['Column_name'] = $col_name; } break; case 'index': if (stripos($row->sql, 'unique') !== false) { $_columns['Non_unique'] = 0; } else { $_columns['Non_unique'] = 1; } if (preg_match('/^.*\((.*)\)/i', $row->sql, $match)) { $col_name = str_replace("'", '', $match[1]); $_columns['Column_name'] = trim($col_name); } $_columns['Key_name'] = $row->name; break; default: break; } $_columns['Table'] = $row->tbl_name; $_columns['Collation'] = NULL; $_columns['Cardinality'] = 0; $_columns['Sub_part'] = NULL; $_columns['Packed'] = NULL; $_columns['Null'] = 'NO'; $_columns['Index_type'] = 'BTREE'; $_columns['Comment'] = ''; $_results[] = new ObjectArray($_columns); } if (stripos($this->queries[0], 'WHERE') !== false) { preg_match('/WHERE\\s*(.*)$/im', $this->queries[0], $match); list($key, $value) = explode('=', $match[1]); $key = trim($key); $value = preg_replace("/[\';]/", '', $value); $value = trim($value); foreach ($_results as $result) { if (stripos($value, $result->$key) !== false) { unset($_results); $_results[] = $result; break; } } } } $this->results = $_results; } /** * Method to the CHECK query data to an object. * * @access private */ private function convert_result_check_or_analyze() { $results = array(); if ($this->query_type == 'check') { $_columns = array( 'Table' => '', 'Op' => 'check', 'Msg_type' => 'status', 'Msg_text' => 'OK' ); } else { $_columns = array( 'Table' => '', 'Op' => 'analyze', 'Msg_type' => 'status', 'Msg_text' => 'Table is already up to date' ); } $_results[] = new ObjectArray($_columns); $this->results = $_results; } /** * Method to check SQLite library version. * * This is used for checking if SQLite can execute multiple rows insert. * * @return version number string or 0 * @access private */ private function get_sqlite_version() { try { $statement = $this->pdo->prepare('SELECT sqlite_version()'); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $result[0]; } catch (PDOException $err) { return '0'; } } /** * Method to call PDO::beginTransaction(). * * @see PDO::beginTransaction() * @return boolean */ public function beginTransaction() { if ($this->has_active_transaction) { return false; } else { $this->has_active_transaction = $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); return $this->has_active_transaction; } } /** * Method to call PDO::commit(). * * @see PDO::commit() */ public function commit() { $this->pdo->commit(); $this->has_active_transaction = false; } /** * Method to call PDO::rollBack(). * * @see PDO::rollBack() */ public function rollBack() { $this->pdo->rollBack(); $this->has_active_transaction = false; } } /** * Class to change queried data to PHP object. * * @author kjm */ class ObjectArray { function __construct($data = null,&$node= null) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ( is_array($value) ) { if (!$node) { $node =& $this; } $node->$key = new stdClass(); self::__construct($value,$node->$key); } else { if (!$node) { $node =& $this; } $node->$key = $value; } } } } ?>