split_multiple($command); foreach ($command_array as $single_command) { $command_tokens = $this->command_tokenizer($single_command); if (!empty($command_tokens)) { $tokens[] = array_merge($tmp_tokens, $command_tokens); } else { $this->_query = 'SELECT 1=1'; } } foreach ($tokens as $token) { $command_name = $token['command']; switch ($command_name) { case 'add column': case 'rename to': case 'add index': case 'drop index': $this->_query = $this->handle_single_command($token); break; case 'add primary key': $this->_query = $this->handle_add_primary_key($token); break; case 'drop primary key': $this->_query = $this->handle_drop_primary_key($token); break; case 'modify column': $this->_query = $this->handle_modify_command($token); break; case 'change column': $this->_query = $this->handle_change_command($token); break; case 'alter column': $this->_query = $this->handle_alter_command($token); break; default: break; } } } else { $this->_query = 'SELECT 1=1'; } return $this->_query; } private function command_tokenizer($command) { $tokens = array(); if (preg_match('/^(ADD|DROP|RENAME|MODIFY|CHANGE|ALTER)\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*/ims', $command, $match)) { $the_rest = str_ireplace($match[0], '', $command); $match_1 = strtolower(trim($match[1])); $match_2 = strtolower(trim($match[2])); $match_3 = isset($match[3]) ? strtolower(trim($match[3])) : ''; switch ($match_1) { case 'add': if (in_array($match_2, array('fulltext', 'constraint', 'foreign'))) { break; } elseif ($match_2 == 'column') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_3; $tokens['column_def'] = trim($the_rest); } elseif ($match_2 == 'primary') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2.' '.$match_3; $tokens['column_name'] = $the_rest; } elseif ($match_2 == 'unique') { list($index_name, $col_name) = preg_split('/[\(\)]/s', trim($the_rest), -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $tokens['unique'] = true; $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_3; $tokens['index_name'] = trim($index_name); $tokens['column_name'] = '('.trim($col_name).')'; } elseif (in_array($match_2, array('index', 'key'))) { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; if ($match_3 == '') { $tokens['index_name'] = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $the_rest); } else { $tokens['index_name'] = $match_3; } $tokens['column_name'] = trim($the_rest); } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' column'; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_2; $tokens['column_def'] = $match_3.' '.$the_rest; } break; case 'drop': if ($match_2 == 'column') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['column_name'] = trim($match_3); } elseif ($match_2 == 'primary') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2.' '.$match_3; } elseif (in_array($match_2, array('index', 'key'))) { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['index_name'] = $match_3; } elseif ($match_2 == 'primary') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2.' '.$match_3; } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' column'; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_2; } break; case 'rename': if ($match_2 == 'to') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_3; } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' to'; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_2; } break; case 'modify': if ($match_2 == 'column') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_3; $tokens['column_def'] = trim($the_rest); } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' column'; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_2; $tokens['column_def'] = $match_3.' '.trim($the_rest); } break; case 'change': if ($match_2 == 'column') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['old_column'] = $match_3; list($new_col) = preg_split('/\s/s', trim($the_rest), -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $tokens['new_column'] = $new_col; $col_def = str_ireplace($new_col, '', $the_rest); $tokens['column_def'] = trim($col_def); } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' column'; $tokens['old_column'] = $match_2; $tokens['new_column'] = $match_3; $tokens['column_def'] = trim($the_rest); } break; case 'alter': if ($match_2 == 'column') { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' '.$match_2; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_3; list($set_or_drop) = explode(' ', $the_rest); if ($set_or_drop == 'set') { $tokens['default_command'] = 'set default'; $default_value = str_ireplace('set default', '', $the_rest); $tokens['default_value'] = trim($default_value); } else { $tokens['default_command'] = 'drop default'; } } else { $tokens['command'] = $match_1.' column'; $tokens['column_name'] = $match_2; if ($match_3 == 'set') { $tokens['default_command'] = 'set default'; $default_value = str_ireplace('default', '', $the_rest); $tokens['default_value'] = trim($default_value); } else { $tokens['default_command'] = 'drop default'; } } break; default: break; } return $tokens; } } private function split_multiple($command) { $out = true; $command_array = array(); $command_string = ''; $tokens = preg_split('/\b/s', $command, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($tokens as $token) { switch (trim($token)) { case ';': break; case '(': $command_string .= $token; $out = false; break; case ')': $command_string .= $token; $out = true; break; case '),': $command_array[] = $command_string; $command_string = ''; $out = true; break; case ',': if ($out) { $command_array[] = $command_string; $command_string = ''; } else { $command_string .= $token; } break; default: $command_string .= $token; break; } } if (!empty($command_string)) { $command_array[] = $command_string; } return $command_array; } private function handle_single_command($queries) { $tokenized_query = $queries; if (stripos($tokenized_query['command'], 'add column') !== false) { $column_def = $this->convert_field_types($tokenized_query['column_name'], $tokenized_query['column_def']); $query = "ALTER TABLE {$tokenized_query['table_name']} ADD COLUMN {$tokenized_query['column_name']} $column_def"; } elseif (stripos($tokenized_query['command'], 'rename') !== false) { $query = "ALTER TABLE {$tokenized_query['table_name']} RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['column_name']}"; } elseif (stripos($tokenized_query['command'], 'add index') !== false) { $unique = isset($tokenized_query['unique']) ? 'UNIQUE' : ''; $query = "CREATE $unique INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {$tokenized_query['index_name']} ON {$tokenized_query['table_name']} {$tokenized_query['column_name']}"; } elseif (stripos($tokenized_query['command'], 'drop index') !== false) { $query = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['index_name']}"; } else { $query = 'SELECT 1=1'; } return $query; } private function handle_add_primary_key($queries) { $tokenized_query = $queries; $tbl_name = $tokenized_query['table_name']; $temp_table = 'temp_'.$tokenized_query['table_name']; $_wpdb = new PDODB(); $query_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='$tbl_name'"); $_wpdb = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($query_obj); $i++) { $index_queries[$i] = $query_obj[$i]->sql; } $table_query = array_shift($index_queries); $table_query = str_replace($tokenized_query['table_name'], $temp_table, $table_query); $table_query = rtrim($table_query, ')'); $table_query = ", PRIMARY KEY {$tokenized_query['column_name']}"; $query[] = $table_query; $query[] = "INSERT INTO $temp_table SELECT * FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "ALTER TABLE $temp_table RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; foreach ($index_queries as $index) { $query[] = $index; } return $query; } private function handle_drop_primary_key($queries) { $tokenized_query = $queries; $temp_table = 'temp_'.$tokenized_query['table_name']; $_wpdb = new PDODB(); $query_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='{$tokenized_query['table_name']}'"); $_wpdb = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($query_obj); $i++) { $index_queries[$i] = $query_obj[$i]->sql; } $table_query = array_shift($index_queries); $pattern1 = '/^\\s*PRIMARY\\s*KEY\\s*\(.*\)/im'; $pattern2 = '/^\\s*.*(PRIMARY\\s*KEY\\s*(:?AUTOINCREMENT|))\\s*(?!\()/im'; if (preg_match($pattern1, $table_query, $match)) { $table_query = str_replace($match[0], '', $table_query); } elseif (preg_match($pattern2, $table_query, $match)) { $table_query = str_replace($match[1], '', $table_query); } $table_query = str_replace($tokenized_query['table_name'], $temp_table, $table_query); $query[] = $table_query; $query[] = "INSERT INTO $temp_table SELECT * FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "ALTER TABLE $temp_table RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; foreach ($index_queries as $index) { $query[] = $index; } return $query; } private function handle_modify_command($queries) { $tokenized_query = $queries; $temp_table = 'temp_'.$tokenized_query['table_name']; $column_def = $this->convert_field_types($tokenized_query['column_name'], $tokenized_query['column_def']); $_wpdb = new PDODB(); $query_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='{$tokenized_query['table_name']}'"); $_wpdb = null; for ($i =0; $i < count($query_obj); $i++) { $index_queries[$i] = $query_obj[$i]->sql; } $create_query = array_shift($index_queries); if (stripos($create_query, $tokenized_query['column_name']) === false) { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } elseif (preg_match("/{$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*{$tokenized_query['column_def']}\\s*[,)]/i", $create_query)) { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } $create_query = preg_replace("/{$tokenized_query['table_name']}/i", $temp_table, $create_query); if (preg_match("/\\b{$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*.*(?=,)/ims", $create_query)) { $create_query = preg_replace("/\\b{$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*.*(?=,)/ims", "{$tokenized_query['column_name']} {$tokenized_query['column_def']}", $create_query); } elseif (preg_match("/\\b{$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*.*(?=\))/ims", $create_query)) { $create_query = preg_replace("/\\b{$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*.*(?=\))/ims", "{$tokenized_query['column_name']} {$tokenized_query['column_def']}", $create_query); } $query[] = $create_query; $query[] = "INSERT INTO $temp_table SELECT * FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "ALTER TABLE $temp_table RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; foreach ($index_queries as $index) { $query[] = $index; } return $query; } private function handle_change_command($queries) { $col_check = false; $old_fields = ''; $new_fields = ''; $tokenized_query = $queries; $temp_table = 'temp_'.$tokenized_query['table_name']; $column_def = $this->convert_field_types($tokenized_query['new_column'], $tokenized_query['column_def']); $_wpdb = new PDODB(); $col_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"); foreach ($col_obj as $col) { if ($col->Field == $tokenized_query['old_column']) $col_check = true; $old_fields .= $col->Field . ','; } if ($col_check == false) { $_wpdb = null; return 'SELECT 1=1'; } $old_fields = rtrim($old_fields, ','); $new_fields = str_replace($tokenized_query['old_column'], $tokenized_query['new_column'], $old_fields); $query_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='{$tokenized_query['table_name']}'"); $_wpdb = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($query_obj); $i++) { $index_queries[$i] = $query_obj[$i]->sql; } $create_query = array_shift($index_queries); $create_query = preg_replace("/{$tokenized_query['table_name']}/i", $temp_table, $create_query); if (preg_match("/\\b{$tokenized_query['old_column']}\\s*(.+?)(?=,)/ims", $create_query, $match)) { if ($tokenized_query['column_def'] == trim($match[1])) { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } else { $create_query = preg_replace("/\\b{$tokenized_query['old_column']}\\s*.*?(?=,)/ims", "{$tokenized_query['new_column']} {$tokenized_query['column_def']}", $create_query); } } elseif (preg_match("/\\b{$tokenized_query['old_column']}\\s*(.+?)(?=\))/ims", $create_query, $match)) { if ($tokenized_query['column_def'] == trim($match[1])) { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } else { $create_query = preg_replace("/\\b{$tokenized_query['old_column']}\\s*.*?(?=\))/ims", "{$tokenized_query['new_column']} {$tokenized_query['column_def']}", $create_query); } } $query[] = $create_query; $query[] = "INSERT INTO $temp_table ($new_fields) SELECT $old_fields FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "ALTER TABLE $temp_table RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; foreach ($index_queries as $index) { $query[] = $index; } return $query; } private function handle_alter_command($queries) { $tokenized_query = $queries; $temp_table = 'temp_'.$tokenized_query['table_name']; if (stripos($tokenized_query['default_command'], 'set') !== false) { $def_value = $this->convert_field_types($tokenized_query['column_name'], $tokenized_query['default_value']); $def_value = 'DEFAULT '.$def_value; } else { $def_value = ''; } $_wpdb = new PDODB(); $query_obj = $_wpdb->get_results("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='{$tokenized_query['table_name']}'"); $_wpdb = null; for ($i =0; $i < count($query_obj); $i++) { $index_queries[$i] = $query_obj[$i]->sql; } $create_query = array_shift($index_queries); if (stripos($create_query, $tokenized_query['column_name']) === false) { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } if (preg_match("/\\s*({$tokenized_query['column_name']}\\s*.*?)\\s*(DEFAULT\\s*.*)[,)]/im", $create_query, $match)) { $col_def = trim($match[1]); $old_default = trim($match[2]); $create_query = preg_replace("/($col_def)\\s*$old_default/im", "\\1 $def_value", $create_query); $create_query = str_ireplace($tokenized_query['table_name'], $temp_table, $create_query); } else { return 'SELECT 1=1'; } $query[] = $create_query; $query[] = "INSERT INTO $temp_table SELECT * FROM {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; $query[] = "ALTER TABLE $temp_table RENAME TO {$tokenized_query['table_name']}"; foreach ($index_queries as $index) { $query[] = $index; } return $query; } /** * Change the field definition to SQLite compatible data type. * @param string $col_name * @param string $col_def * @return string */ private function convert_field_types($col_name, $col_def){ $array_types = array( 'bit' => 'INTEGER', 'bool' => 'INTEGER', 'boolean' => 'INTEGER', 'tinyint' => 'INTEGER', 'smallint' => 'INTEGER', 'mediumint' => 'INTEGER', 'int' => 'INTEGER', 'integer' => 'INTEGER', 'bigint' => 'INTEGER', 'float' => 'REAL', 'double' => 'REAL', 'decimal' => 'REAL', 'dec' => 'REAL', 'numeric' => 'REAL', 'fixed' => 'REAL', 'date' => 'TEXT', 'datetime' => 'TEXT', 'timestamp' => 'TEXT', 'time' => 'TEXT', 'year' => 'TEXT', 'char' => 'TEXT', 'varchar' => 'TEXT', 'binary' => 'INTEGER', 'varbinary' => 'BLOB', 'tinyblob' => 'BLOB', 'tinytext' => 'TEXT', 'blob' => 'BLOB', 'text' => 'TEXT', 'mediumblob' => 'BLOB', 'mediumtext' => 'TEXT', 'longblob' => 'BLOB', 'longtext' => 'TEXT' ); $array_curtime = array('current_timestamp', 'current_time', 'current_date'); $array_reptime = array("'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", "'0000-00-00'"); $def_string = str_replace('`', '', $col_def); foreach ($array_types as $o=>$r){ $pattern = "/\\b" . $o . "\\s*(\([^\)]*\))?\\s*/imsx"; if (preg_match($pattern, $def_string)) { $def_string = preg_replace($pattern, "$r ", $def_string); break; } } $def_string = preg_replace('/unsigned/im', '', $def_string); $def_string = preg_replace('/auto_increment/im', 'PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', $def_string); // when you use ALTER TABLE ADD, you can't use current_*. so we replace $def_string = str_ireplace($array_curtime, $array_reptime, $def_string); // colDef is enum $pattern_enum = '/enum\((.*?)\)([^,\)]*)/ims'; if (preg_match($pattern_enum, $col_def, $matches)) { $def_string = 'TEXT' . $matches[2] . ' CHECK (' . $col_name . ' IN (' . $matches[1] . '))'; } return $def_string; } } ?>