'; _e( 'Cache is now empty!', 'wp-gpx-maps' ); echo '

'; wpgpxmaps_recursive_remove_directory( $cacheGpxPath, true ); } } if ( is_writable( $realGpxPath ) ) { ?>
'; ?>

'; printf( /* translators: GPX file name */ __( 'The file %1s has been successfully uploaded.', 'wp-gpx-maps' ), '' . esc_html( $uploadingFileName ) . '' ); echo '

'; } else { echo '

'; _e( 'There was an error uploading the file, please try again!', 'wp-gpx-maps' ); echo '

'; } } else { echo '

'; _e( 'The file type is not supported!', 'wp-gpx-maps' ); echo '

'; } } } ?>

'; ?>

' . esc_html( $relativeGpxPath ) . '' ); ?>

'; ?>

'; printf( /* translators: GPX file name */ __( 'The file %1s has been successfully deleted.', 'wp-gpx-maps' ), '' . esc_html ( $entry ) . '' ); echo '

'; } else { echo '

'; printf( /* translators: GPX file name */ __( 'The file %1s could not be deleted.', 'wp-gpx-maps' ), '' . esc_html ( $entry ) . '' ); echo '

'; } } else { $myFile = $realGpxPath . "/" . $entry; $myGpxFileNames[] = array( 'name' => $entry, 'size' => filesize( $myFile ), 'lastedit' => filemtime( $myFile ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpgpx_deletefile_nonce_' . $entry ), ); } } } closedir( $handle ); } if ( is_readable ( $realGpxPath ) && $handle = opendir( $realGpxPath ) ) { while ( false !== ($entry = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( preg_match( $gpxRegEx, $entry ) ) { $filenames[] = $realGpxPath . "/" . $entry; } } closedir( $handle ); } ?>