thumbHTML; if ( is_callable( 'exif_read_data' ) ) { $exif = @exif_read_data( $p->imagePath ); if ( $exif !== false ) { $item['lon'] = (array_key_exists('GPSLongitude', $exif) and array_key_exists('GPSLongitudeRef', $exif)) ? getExifGps( $exif['GPSLongitude'], $exif['GPSLongitudeRef'] ) : 0; $item['lat'] = (array_key_exists('GPSLatitude', $exif) and array_key_exists('GPSLatitudeRef', $exif)) ? getExifGps( $exif['GPSLatitude'], $exif['GPSLatitudeRef'] ) : 0; if ( ( $item['lat'] != 0 ) || ( $item['lon'] != 0 ) ) { $result[] = $item; } elseif ( isset( $p->imagedate ) ) { $_dt = strtotime( $p->imagedate ) + $dtoffset; $_item = findItemCoordinate( $_dt, $dt, $lat, $lon ); if ( $_item != null ) { $item['lat'] = $_item['lat']; $item['lon'] = $_item['lon']; $result[] = $item; } } } } else { $error .= "Sorry, exif_read_data function not found! check your hosting..
"; } } /* START FIX NEXT GEN GALLERY 2.x */ if ( class_exists( 'C_Component_Registry' ) ) { $renderer = C_Component_Registry::get_instance()->get_utility( 'I_Displayed_Gallery_Renderer' ); $params['gallery_ids'] = $ngGalleries; $params['image_ids'] = $ngImages; $params['display_type'] = NEXTGEN_GALLERY_BASIC_THUMBNAILS; $params['images_per_page'] = 999; /* Salso add js references to get the gallery working */ $dummy = $renderer->display_images( $params, '' ); /* START FIX NEXT GEN GALLERY PRO */ if ( preg_match( "/data-nplmodal-gallery-id=[\"'](.*?)[\"']/", $dummy, $m ) ) { $galid = $m[1]; if ( $galid ) { for( $i = 0; $i < count( $result ); ++$i ) { $result[$i]['data'] = str_replace( '%PRO_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ID%', $galid, $result[$i]['data'] ); } } } /* END FIX NEXT GEN GALLERY PRO */ } /* END FIX NEXT GEN GALLERY 2.x */ } catch ( Exception $e ) { $error .= 'Error When Retrieving NextGen Gallery galleries/images: $e
'; } return $result; } function findItemCoordinate( $imgdt, $dt, $lat, $lon ) { foreach ( array_keys( $dt ) as $i ) { if ( $i!=0 && $imgdt >= $dt[$i-1] && $imgdt <= $dt[$i] ) { if ( $lat[$i] != 0 && $lon[$i] != 0 ) return array( 'lat' => $lat[$i], 'lon' => $lon[$i] ); } } return null; } function getExifGps( $exifCoord, $hemi ) { $degrees = count( $exifCoord ) > 0 ? gps2Num( $exifCoord[0] ) : 0; $minutes = count( $exifCoord ) > 1 ? gps2Num( $exifCoord[1] ) : 0; $seconds = count( $exifCoord ) > 2 ? gps2Num( $exifCoord[2] ) : 0; $flip = ( $hemi == 'W' or $hemi == 'S' ) ? -1 : 1; return $flip * ( $degrees + $minutes / 60 + $seconds / 3600); } function gps2Num( $coordPart ) { $parts = explode( '/', $coordPart ); if ( count( $parts ) <= 0 ) return 0; if ( count( $parts ) == 1 ) return $parts[0]; $lat = floatval( $parts[0] ); $lon = floatval( $parts[1] ); if ($lon == 0 ) return $lat; return $lat / $lon; } ?>