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if (is_array ($points_x_lat)) foreach(array_keys($points_x_lat) as $i) { $_lat = (float)$points_x_lat[$i]; $_lon = (float)$points_x_lon[$i]; if ( $_lat == 0 && $_lon == 0 ) { $points_maps .= 'null,'; $points_graph_dist .= 'null,'; $points_graph_ele .= 'null,'; if ($showSpeed == true) $points_graph_speed .= 'null,'; if ($showHr == true) $points_graph_hr .= 'null,'; if ($showCad == true) $points_graph_cad .= 'null,'; if ($showGrade == true) $points_graph_grade .= 'null,'; } else { $points_maps .= '['.number_format((float)$points_x_lat[$i], 7 , '.' , '' ).','.number_format((float)$points_x_lon[$i], 7 , '.' , '' ).'],'; $_ele = (float)$points->ele[$i]; $_dist = (float)$points->dist[$i]; if ($uom == '1') { // Miles and feet $_dist *= 0.000621371192; $_ele *= 3.2808399; } else if ($uom == '2') { // meters / kilometers $_dist = (float)($_dist / 1000); } $points_graph_dist .= number_format ( $_dist , 2 , '.' , '' ).','; $points_graph_ele .= number_format ( $_ele , 2 , '.' , '' ).','; if ($showSpeed == true) { $_speed = (float)$points->speed[$i]; $points_graph_speed .= convertSpeed($_speed,$uomspeed).','; } if ($showHr == true) { $points_graph_hr .= number_format ( $points->hr[$i] , 2 , '.' , '' ).','; } if ($showCad == true) { $points_graph_cad .= number_format ( $points->cad[$i] , 2 , '.' , '' ).','; } if ($showGrade == true) { $points_graph_grade .= number_format ( $points->grade[$i] , 2 , '.' , '' ).','; } } } if ($uom == '1') { // Miles and feet $tot_len = round($tot_len * 0.000621371192, 2)." mi"; $max_ele = round($max_ele * 3.2808399, 0)." ft"; $min_ele = round($min_ele * 3.2808399, 0)." ft"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up * 3.2808399, 0)." ft"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down * 3.2808399, 0)." ft"; } else if ($uom == '2') { // meters / kilometers $tot_len = round($tot_len / 1000, 2)." km"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) ." m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) ." m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) ." m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) ." m"; } else { // meters / meters $tot_len = round($tot_len, 0) ." m"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) ." m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) ." m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) ." m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) ." m"; } $avg_speed = convertSpeed($avg_speed,$uomspeed,true); if ($showW == true) { $wpoints = getWayPoints($gpx); foreach ($wpoints as $p) { $waypoints .= '['.number_format ( (float)$p[0] , 7 , '.' , '' ).','.number_format ( (float)$p[1] , 7 , '.' , '' ).',\''.unescape($p[4]).'\',\''.unescape($p[5]).'\',\''.unescape($p[7]).'\'],'; } } $p="/(,|,null,)$/"; $points_maps = preg_replace($p, "", $points_maps); $points_graph_dist = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_dist); $points_graph_ele = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_ele); $points_graph_speed = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_speed); $points_graph_hr = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_hr); $points_graph_cad = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_cad); $points_graph_grade = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_grade); $waypoints = preg_replace($p, "", $waypoints); if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_dist)) $points_graph_dist = ""; if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_ele)) $points_graph_ele = ""; if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_speed)) $points_graph_speed = ""; if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_hr)) $points_graph_hr = ""; if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_cad)) $points_graph_cad = ""; if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+$/", $points_graph_grade)) $points_graph_grade = ""; } $ngimgs_data = ''; if ( $ngGalleries != '' || $ngImages != '' ) { //print_r($points); $ngimgs = getNGGalleryImages($ngGalleries, $ngImages, $points_x_time, $points_x_lat, $points_x_lon, $dtoffset, $error); $ngimgs_data =''; foreach ($ngimgs as $img) { $data = $img['data']; $data = str_replace("\n","",$data); $ngimgs_data .= ''.$data.''; } } if (!($skipcache == true)) { @file_put_contents($gpxcache, serialize(array( "points_maps" => $points_maps, "points_x_time" => $points_x_time, "points_x_lat" => $points_x_lat, "points_x_lon" => $points_x_lon, "points_graph_dist" => $points_graph_dist, "points_graph_ele" => $points_graph_ele, "points_graph_speed" => $points_graph_speed, "points_graph_hr" => $points_graph_hr, "points_graph_cad" => $points_graph_cad, "points_graph_grade" => $points_graph_grade, "waypoints" => $waypoints, "max_ele" => $max_ele, "min_ele" => $min_ele, "total_ele_up" => $total_ele_up, "total_ele_down" => $total_ele_down, "avg_speed" => $avg_speed, "tot_len" => $tot_len, "max_time" => $max_time, "min_time" => $min_time ) ), LOCK_EX); 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