user_login; } return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret); } function gpxCacheFolderPath() { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $uploadsPath = $upload_dir['basedir']; $ret = $uploadsPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."gpx".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."~cache"; return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret); } function relativeGpxFolderPath() { $sitePath = sitePath(); $realGpxPath = gpxFolderPath(); $ret = str_replace($sitePath,'',$realGpxPath).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret); } function recursive_remove_directory($directory, $empty=FALSE) { if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { return FALSE; }elseif(is_readable($directory)) { $handle = opendir($directory); while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $path = $directory.'/'.$item; if(is_dir($path)) { recursive_remove_directory($path); }else{ unlink($path); } } } closedir($handle); if($empty == FALSE) { if(!rmdir($directory)) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } function getPoints($gpxPath, $gpxOffset = 10, $donotreducegpx, $distancetype) { $points = array(); $dist=0; $lastLat=0; $lastLon=0; $lastEle=0; $lastOffset=0; if (file_exists($gpxPath)) { $points = @parseXml($gpxPath, $gpxOffset, $distancetype); } else { echo "WP GPX Maps Error: File $gpxPath not found!"; } // reduce the points to around 200 to speedup if ( $donotreducegpx != true) { $count=sizeof($points->lat); if ($count>200) { $f = round($count/200); if ($f>1) for($i=$count;$i>0;$i--) if ($i % $f != 0 && $points->lat[$i] != null) { unset($points->dt[$i]); unset($points->lat[$i]); unset($points->lon[$i]); unset($points->ele[$i]); unset($points->dist[$i]); unset($points->speed[$i]); unset($points->hr[$i]); unset($points->atemp[$i]); unset($points->cad[$i]); unset($points->grade[$i]); } } } return $points; } function parseXml($filePath, $gpxOffset, $distancetype) { $points = null; $points->dt = array(); $points->lat = array(); $points->lon = array(); $points->ele = array(); $points->dist = array(); $points->speed = array(); $points->hr = array(); $points->atemp = array(); $points->cad = array(); $points->grade = array(); $points->maxTime = 0; $points->minTime = 0; $points->maxEle = 0; $points->minEle = 0; $points->totalEleUp = 0; $points->totalEleDown = 0; $points->avgSpeed = 0; $points->totalLength = 0; $gpx = simplexml_load_file($filePath); if($gpx === FALSE) return; $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('10', ''); $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('11', ''); $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('gpxtpx', ''); $nodes = $gpx->xpath('//trk | //10:trk | //11:trk'); //normal gpx if ( count($nodes) > 0 ) { foreach($nodes as $_trk) { $trk = simplexml_load_string($_trk->asXML()); $trk->registerXPathNamespace('10', ''); $trk->registerXPathNamespace('11', ''); $trk->registerXPathNamespace('gpxtpx', ''); $trkpts = $trk->xpath('//trkpt | //10:trkpt | //11:trkpt'); $lastLat = 0; $lastLon = 0; $lastEle = 0; $lastTime = 0; //$dist = 0; $lastOffset = 0; $speedBuffer = array(); foreach($trkpts as $trkpt) { $lat = $trkpt['lat']; $lon = $trkpt['lon']; $ele = $trkpt->ele; $time = $trkpt->time; $speed = (float)$trkpt->speed; $hr = 0; $atemp = 0; $cad = 0; $grade = 0; if (isset($trkpt->extensions)) { $trkpt->registerXPathNamespace('gpxtpx', ''); $_ext = @$trkpt->xpath('extensions/gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension | extensions/TrackPointExtension'); if ($_ext) { if ($_ext[0]) { $hr = @$_ext[0]->hr; $atemp = @$_ext[0]->atemp; $cad = @$_ext[0]->cad; } } } if ($lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0) { //Base Case array_push($points->dt, strtotime($time)); array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon); array_push($points->ele, (float)round($ele,2)); array_push($points->dist, (float)round($dist,2)); array_push($points->speed, 0); array_push($points->hr, (float)$hr); array_push($points->atemp, (float)$atemp); array_push($points->cad, (float)$cad); array_push($points->grade, $grade); $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; $lastEle=$ele; $lastTime=$time; } else { //Normal Case $offset = calculateDistance((float)$lat, (float)$lon, (float)$ele, (float)$lastLat, (float)$lastLon, (float)$lastEle, $distancetype); $dist = $dist + $offset; $points->totalLength = $dist; if ($speed == 0) { $datediff = (float)my_date_diff($lastTime,$time); if ($datediff>0) { $speed = $offset / $datediff; } } if ($ele != 0 && $lastEle != 0) { $deltaEle = (float)($ele - $lastEle); if ((float)$ele > (float)$lastEle) { $points->totalEleUp += $deltaEle; } else { $points->totalEleDown += $deltaEle; } $grade = $deltaEle / $offset * 100; } array_push($speedBuffer, $speed); if (((float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset) > $gpxOffset) { //Bigger Offset -> write coordinate $avgSpeed = 0; foreach($speedBuffer as $s) { $avgSpeed += $s; } $avgSpeed = $avgSpeed / count($speedBuffer); $speedBuffer = array(); $lastOffset=0; array_push($points->dt, strtotime($time)); array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat ); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon ); array_push($points->ele, (float)round($ele, 2) ); array_push($points->dist, (float)round($dist, 2) ); array_push($points->speed, (float)round($avgSpeed, 1) ); array_push($points->hr, $hr); array_push($points->atemp, $atemp); array_push($points->cad, $cad); array_push($points->grade, (float)round($grade, 2) ); } else { //Smoller Offset -> continue.. $lastOffset = (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset ; } } $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; $lastEle=$ele; $lastTime=$time; } array_push($points->dt, null); array_push($points->lat, null); array_push($points->lon, null); array_push($points->ele, null); array_push($points->dist, null); array_push($points->speed, null); array_push($points->hr, null); array_push($points->atemp, null); array_push($points->cad, null); array_push($points->grade, null); unset($trkpts); } unset($nodes); try { array_pop($points->dt, null); array_pop($points->lat, null); array_pop($points->lon, null); array_pop($points->ele, null); array_pop($points->dist, null); array_pop($points->speed, null); array_pop($points->hr, null); array_pop($points->atemp, null); array_pop($points->cad, null); array_pop($points->grade, null); $_time = array_filter($points->dt); $_ele = array_filter($points->ele); $_dist = array_filter($points->dist); $_speed = array_filter($points->speed); $points->maxEle = max($_ele); $points->minEle = min($_ele); $points->totalLength = max($_dist); $points->maxTime = max($_time); $points->minTime = min($_time); $points->avgSpeed = array_sum($_speed) / count($_speed); } catch (Exception $e) { } } else { // gpx garmin case $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('gpxx', ''); $nodes = $gpx->xpath('//gpxx:rpt'); if ( count($nodes) > 0 ) { $lastLat = 0; $lastLon = 0; $lastEle = 0; $dist = 0; $lastOffset = 0; // Garmin case foreach($nodes as $rpt) { $lat = $rpt['lat']; $lon = $rpt['lon']; if ($lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0) { //Base Case array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat ); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon ); array_push($points->ele, 0 ); array_push($points->dist, 0 ); array_push($points->speed, 0 ); array_push($points->hr, 0 ); array_push($points->atemp, 0 ); array_push($points->cad, 0 ); array_push($points->grade, 0 ); $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; } else { //Normal Case $offset = calculateDistance($lat, $lon, 0,$lastLat, $lastLon, 0, $distancetype); $dist = $dist + $offset; if (((float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset) > $gpxOffset) { //Bigger Offset -> write coordinate $lastOffset=0; array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat ); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon ); array_push($points->ele, 0 ); array_push($points->dist, 0 ); array_push($points->speed, 0 ); array_push($points->hr, 0 ); array_push($points->atemp, 0 ); array_push($points->cad, 0 ); array_push($points->grade, 0 ); } else { //Smoller Offset -> continue.. $lastOffset= (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset; } } $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; } unset($nodes); } else { //gpx strange case $nodes = $gpx->xpath('//rtept | //10:rtept | //11:rtept'); if ( count($nodes) > 0 ) { $lastLat = 0; $lastLon = 0; $lastEle = 0; $dist = 0; $lastOffset = 0; // Garmin case foreach($nodes as $rtept) { $lat = $rtept['lat']; $lon = $rtept['lon']; if ($lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0) { //Base Case array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat ); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon ); array_push($points->ele, 0 ); array_push($points->dist, 0 ); array_push($points->speed, 0 ); array_push($points->hr, 0 ); array_push($points->atemp, 0 ); array_push($points->cad, 0 ); array_push($points->grade, 0 ); $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; } else { //Normal Case $offset = calculateDistance($lat, $lon, 0,$lastLat, $lastLon, 0, $distancetype); $dist = $dist + $offset; if (((float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset) > $gpxOffset) { //Bigger Offset -> write coordinate $lastOffset=0; array_push($points->lat, (float)$lat ); array_push($points->lon, (float)$lon ); array_push($points->ele, 0 ); array_push($points->dist, 0 ); array_push($points->speed, 0 ); array_push($points->hr, 0 ); array_push($points->atemp, 0 ); array_push($points->cad, 0 ); array_push($points->grade, 0 ); } else { //Smoller Offset -> continue.. $lastOffset= (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset; } } $lastLat=$lat; $lastLon=$lon; } unset($nodes); } } } unset($gpx); return $points; } function getWayPoints($gpxPath) { $points = array(); if (file_exists($gpxPath)) { try { $gpx = simplexml_load_file($gpxPath); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "WP GPX Maps Error: Cant parse xml file " . $gpxPath; return $points; } $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('10', ''); $gpx->registerXPathNamespace('11', ''); $nodes = $gpx->xpath('//wpt | //10:wpt | //11:wpt'); if ( count($nodes) > 0 ) { // normal case foreach($nodes as $wpt) { $lat = $wpt['lat']; $lon = $wpt['lon']; $ele = $wpt->ele; $time = $wpt->time; $name = $wpt->name; $desc = $wpt->desc; $sym = $wpt->sym; $type = $wpt->type; array_push($points, array((float)$lat,(float)$lon,(float)$ele,$time,$name,$desc,$sym,$type)); } } } return $points; } function toRadians($degrees) { return (float)($degrees * 3.1415926535897932385 / 180); } function calculateDistance($lat1,$lon1,$ele1,$lat2,$lon2,$ele2,$distancetype) { if ($distancetype == '2') // climb { return (float)$ele1 - (float)$ele2; } else if ($distancetype == '1') // flat { $alpha = (float)sin((float)toRadians((float) $lat2 - (float) $lat1) / 2); $beta = (float)sin((float)toRadians((float) $lon2 - (float) $lon1) / 2); //Distance in meters $a = (float) ( (float)$alpha * (float)$alpha) + (float) ( (float)cos( (float)toRadians($lat1)) * (float)cos( (float)toRadians($lat2)) * (float)$beta * (float)$beta ); $dist = 2 * 6369628.75 * (float)atan2((float)sqrt((float)$a), (float)sqrt(1 - (float) $a)); return (float)sqrt((float)pow((float)$dist, 2) + pow((float) $lat1 - (float)$lat2, 2)); } else // normal { $alpha = (float)sin((float)toRadians((float) $lat2 - (float) $lat1) / 2); $beta = (float)sin((float)toRadians((float) $lon2 - (float) $lon1) / 2); //Distance in meters $a = (float) ( (float)$alpha * (float)$alpha) + (float) ( (float)cos( (float)toRadians($lat1)) * (float)cos( (float)toRadians($lat2)) * (float)$beta * (float)$beta ); $dist = 2 * 6369628.75 * (float)atan2((float)sqrt((float)$a), (float)sqrt(1 - (float) $a)); $d = (float)sqrt((float)pow((float)$dist, 2) + pow((float) $lat1 - (float)$lat2, 2)); return sqrt((float)pow((float)$ele1-(float)$ele2,2)+(float)pow((float)$d,2)); } } function my_date_diff($old_date, $new_date) { $t1 = strtotime($new_date); $t2 = strtotime($old_date); // milliceconds fix $t1 += date_getDecimals($new_date); $t2 += date_getDecimals($old_date); $offset = (float)($t1 - $t2); //echo "$offset = $new_date - $old_date; ".strtotime($new_date)." ".strtotime($old_date)."
"; return $offset; } function date_getDecimals($date) { if (preg_match('(\.([0-9]{2})Z?)', $date, $matches)) { return (float)((float)$matches[1] / 100); } else { return 0; } } ?>