'Tracks', 'settings' => 'Settings', 'help' => "help" );
echo '
foreach( $tabs as $tab => $name ){
$class = ( $tab == $current ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
echo "$name";
echo '
function WP_GPX_Maps_html_page() {
$realGpxPath = gpxFolderPath();
$cacheGpxPath = gpxCacheFolderPath();
$relativeGpxPath = relativeGpxFolderPath();
$relativeGpxPath = str_replace("\\","/", $relativeGpxPath);
$gpxRegEx = '/.gpx$/';
$tab = $_GET['tab'];
if ($tab == '')
$tab = 'tracks';
WP GPX Settings
Can\'t create '.$realGpxPath.' folder. Please create it and make it writable!
If not, you will must update the file manually!
if(file_exists($cacheGpxPath) && is_dir($cacheGpxPath))
//dir exsist!
if (!@mkdir($cacheGpxPath,0755,true)) {
echo '
Can\'t create '.$cacheGpxPath.' folder. Please create it and make it writable!
If not, cache will not created and your site could be slower!
if ($tab == "tracks")
include 'wp-gpx-maps_admin_tracks.php';
else if ($tab == "settings")
include 'wp-gpx-maps_admin_settings.php';
else if ($tab == "help")
The fastest way to use this plugin: upload the file using the uploader in the first tab, than copy the shortcode from the list and paste it in the pages/posts.
You can manually set the relative path to your gpx: [sgpx gpx="< gpx file name >"].
You can also use gpx from other sites: [sgpx gpx="http://www.someone.com/somewhere/somefile.gpx"]
Full set of attributes: [sgpx gpx="< gpx file name >"
>> read below all the optional attributes <<
- width: width in pixels
- mheight: map height
- gheight: graph height
- mtype: map available types are: HYBRID, ROADMAP, SATELLITE, TERRAIN
- waypoints: print the gpx waypoints inside the map (default is FALSE)
- donotreducegpx: print all the point without reduce it (default is FALSE)
- pointsoffset: skip points closer than XX meters(default is 10)
- uom: the unit of measure values are: 0, 1 (0 = meters, 1 = miles/feet)
- mlinecolor: map line color (default is #3366cc)
- glinecolor: graph line color (default is #3366cc)
- showspeed: show speed inside the chart (default is FALSE)
- glinecolorspeed: speed line color (default is #ff0000)
- uomspeed: the unit of measure of speed are: 0, 1, 2 (0 = m/s, 1 = km/h, 2 = miles/h)
- chartFrom1: minimun value for altitude chart
- chartTo1: maxumin value for altitude chart
- chartFrom2: minimun value for speed chart
- chartTo2: maxumin value for speed chart
- startIcon: Start track icon
- endIcon: End track icon
- currentIcon: Current position icon (when mouse hover)
- nggalleries: NextGen Gallery id or a list of Galleries id separated by a comma
- ngimages: NextGen Image id or a list of Images id separated by a comma
Bugs, problems, thanks and anything else here!