
Map Height:
Graph Height:
GPX Download: onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Allow users to download your GPX file

" />


On mouse scroll wheel: onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Enable zoom
Waypoints Support: onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Show Waypoints
Map line color:
Default Map Type: > HYBRID: transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
> ROADMAP: normal street map.
> SATELLITE: satellite images.
> TERRAIN: maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.
> Open Street Map
> Open Cycle Map
> Hike & Bike
Start Icon: (Url to image) Leave empty to hide
End Icon: (Url to image) Leave empty to hide
Current Position Icon: (Url to image) Leave empty for default
Custom Waypoint Icon: (Url to image) Leave empty for default

" />


Altitude line color:
Unit of measure:
Altitude display offset: From To (leave empty for auto scale)
Show speed: onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Show Speed
Speed line color:
Speed unit of measure:
Speed display offset: From To (leave empty for auto scale)
Show Heart Rate (where aviable): onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Show heart rate
Heart rate line color:
Show Cadence (where aviable): onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Show Cadence
Cadence line color:

" />

Advanced options (Do not edit if you don't know what you are doing!)

Skip points closer than meters.
onchange="this.value = (this.checked)" />Do not reduce gpx.

" />