Implementing a send invitation action

This commit is contained in:
Eric van der Vlist 2023-03-05 17:25:37 +01:00
parent 5893a2e665
commit 39362db69d
2 changed files with 46 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -22,13 +22,58 @@ import { update } from '~/lib/update';
import { replicationDocument } from '~/lib/replication-document';
import { get } from '~/lib/get';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { sendInvitation } from '~/routes/user/[id]';
import { createServerAction$ } from 'solid-start/server';
import { readConfig } from '~/server-only-lib/read-config';
import { createTransport } from 'nodemailer';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import hbs from 'nodemailer-express-handlebars';
interface Props {
values?: () => any;
const User: Component<Props> = (props) => {
const [sendingInvitation, sendInvitation] = createServerAction$(
async (args: {
id: string;
mail: string;
webInvitation: string;
appInvitation: string;
}) => {
const { id, mail, webInvitation, appInvitation } = args;
const { credentials, mailer } = readConfig();
const transporter = createTransport(mailer);
const handlebarOptions = {
viewEngine: {
partialsDir: resolve('src/mail-template/'),
defaultLayout: false,
viewPath: resolve('src/mail-template/'),
transporter.use('compile', hbs(handlebarOptions));
const code = [...Array(6)].map((_) => (Math.random() * 10) | 0).join('');
const mailOptions = {
from: '"Dyomedea app" <>', // sender address
to: mail, // list of receivers
subject: "Invitation à configurer l'application Dyomedea.",
template: 'invitation', // the name of the template file i.e email.handlebars
context: {
await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);
const navigate = useNavigate();
const [progress, setProgress] = createSignal(-1);

View File

@ -3,49 +3,7 @@ import User from '~/components/user';
import { createEffect, createSignal, Show } from 'solid-js';
import { adminCredentials, CheckCredentials } from '~/components/credentials';
import { get } from '~/lib/get';
import { createServerAction$ } from 'solid-start/server';
import { readConfig } from '~/server-only-lib/read-config';
import { createTransport } from 'nodemailer';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import hbs from 'nodemailer-express-handlebars';
export const [sendingInvitation, sendInvitation] = createServerAction$(
async (args: {
id: string;
mail: string;
webInvitation: string;
appInvitation: string;
}) => {
const { id, mail, webInvitation, appInvitation } = args;
const { credentials, mailer } = readConfig();
const transporter = createTransport(mailer);
const handlebarOptions = {
viewEngine: {
partialsDir: resolve('src/mail-template/'),
defaultLayout: false,
viewPath: resolve('src/mail-template/'),
transporter.use('compile', hbs(handlebarOptions));
const code = [...Array(6)].map((_) => (Math.random() * 10) | 0).join('');
const mailOptions = {
from: '"Dyomedea app" <>', // sender address
to: mail, // list of receivers
subject: "Invitation à configurer l'application Dyomedea.",
template: 'invitation', // the name of the template file i.e email.handlebars
context: {
await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);
export default () => {
const { id } = useParams();