Customise the order your pages are listed in and manage the parent structure with this simple Ajax drag-and-drop administrative interface with an option to toggle the page to be hidden from output. Great tool to quickly re-arrange your page menus.
pageMash works with the `wp_list_pages` function. The easiest way to use it is to put the pages widget in your sidebar [WP admin page > Presentation > Widgets]. Click the configure button on the widget and ensure that 'sort by' is set to 'page order'. Hey presto, you're done.
You can also use the function anywhere in your theme code. e.g. in your sidebar.php file (but the code in here will not run if you're using any widgets) or your header.php file (somewhere under the body tag, you may want to use the depth=1 parameter to only show top levle pages). The code should look something like the following:
The code here is very simple and flexible, for more information look up `wp_list_pages()` in the Wordpress Codex:
No. You no longer need to add the pageMash parameter as you did with the previous versions [<1.0.2]. You can leave the code in as it will do no harm, but it's a good idea to keep your template clean of unnecessary code.