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package simple.documentation.framework.extensions;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorAccess;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorCaretListener;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorExtensionStateListener;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorListener;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorMouseListener;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.OptionChangedEvent;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.OptionListener;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.callouts.AuthorCalloutsController;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.AuthorPersistentHighlight;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.AuthorPersistentHighlight.PersistentHighlightType;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.AuthorPersistentHighlighter;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.ColorHighlightPainter;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.HighlightPainter;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.PersistentHighlightRenderer;
import ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.structure.AuthorPopupMenuCustomizer;
import ro.sync.exml.view.graphics.Color;
import ro.sync.exml.workspace.api.Platform;
import ro.sync.exml.workspace.api.editor.page.author.actions.AuthorActionsProvider;
import ro.sync.basic.util.URLUtil;
import simple.documentation.framework.callouts.CalloutsRenderingProvider;
import simple.documentation.framework.callouts.SDFAuthorPersistentHighlightActionsProvider;
import simple.documentation.framework.filters.SDFDocumentFilter;
import simple.documentation.framework.listeners.SDFAuthorCaretListener;
import simple.documentation.framework.listeners.SDFAuthorListener;
import simple.documentation.framework.listeners.SDFAuthorMouseListener;
import simple.documentation.framework.operations.highlight.HighlightProperties;
* Simple Document Framework state listener used to register custom listeners(caret listener, mouse
* listener, document listener and option listener) when the framework is activated.
public class SDFAuthorExtensionStateListener implements AuthorExtensionStateListener {
* The key used to store a custom option.
private String customKey = "sdf.custom.option.key";
* Custom caret listener to be added on activate and removed on deactivate
private AuthorCaretListener sdfCaretListener;
* Custom mouse listener
private AuthorMouseListener sdfMouseListener;
* Option listener to be added in the option storage.
private OptionListener sdfOptionListener;
* Custom author listener
private AuthorListener sdfAuthorDocumentListener;
* The access to the author functions.
private AuthorAccess authorAccess;
* Map between author name and the corresponding highlight/colors association
public static Map<String, Map<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors>> authorHighlightColors = null;
* Defines the color for a highlight
public static class HighlightColors {
private Color bgColor;
private Color decorationColor;
* @param bgColor The background color.
* @param decorationColor The color used for decoration
public HighlightColors(Color bgColor, Color decorationColor) {
this.bgColor = bgColor;
this.decorationColor = decorationColor;
* @return Returns the bgColor.
public Color getBgColor() {
return bgColor;
* @return Returns the decorationColor.
public Color getDecorationColor() {
return decorationColor;
static {
authorHighlightColors = new HashMap<String, Map<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors>>();
// Set colors for Author_1
Map<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors> colorsMap = new HashMap<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors>();
// Set colors for Insert Change highlight
new HighlightColors(new Color(230, 255, 230), new Color(130, 255, 130)));
// Set colors for Delete Change highlight
new HighlightColors(new Color(255, 255, 230), new Color(255, 255, 130)));
authorHighlightColors.put("Author_1", colorsMap);
// Set colors for Author_2
colorsMap = new HashMap<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors>();
// Set colors for Insert Change highlight
new HighlightColors(new Color(255, 255, 230), new Color(255, 255, 130)));
// Set colors for Delete Change highlight
new HighlightColors(new Color(240, 240, 240), new Color(64, 64, 64)));
authorHighlightColors.put("Author_2", colorsMap);
* The SDF Author extension is activated.
public void activated(final AuthorAccess authorAccess) {
this.authorAccess = authorAccess;
sdfOptionListener = new OptionListener(customKey) {
public void optionValueChanged(OptionChangedEvent newValue) {
// The custom option changed.
// Add document filter.
authorAccess.getDocumentController().setDocumentFilter(new SDFDocumentFilter(authorAccess));
// Add an option listener.
// Add author document listeners.
sdfAuthorDocumentListener = new SDFAuthorListener(authorAccess);
if (authorAccess.getWorkspaceAccess().getPlatform() != Platform.WEBAPP) {
// Add mouse listener.
sdfMouseListener = new SDFAuthorMouseListener(authorAccess);
// Add custom tooltip
String tooltip = "[SDF] " + URLUtil.getDescription(authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getEditorLocation());
// Add caret listener.
sdfCaretListener = new SDFAuthorCaretListener(authorAccess);
// Use the actions provider to switch to "No Tags" mode.
AuthorActionsProvider actionsProvider = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getActionsProvider();
Map<String, Object> authorCommonActions = actionsProvider.getAuthorCommonActions();
// Switch to no tags Author/No_tags
// Set highlights tool tip and painter
authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getPersistentHighlighter().setHighlightRenderer(new PersistentHighlightRenderer() {
public String getTooltip(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight) {
// Get highlight properties
Map<String, String> properties = highlight.getClonedProperties();
String highlightID = properties.get(HighlightProperties.ID);
String highlightAuthor = properties.get(HighlightProperties.AUTHOR);
String highlightComment = properties.get(HighlightProperties.COMMENT);
StringBuilder tooltip = new StringBuilder();
// Add create date
if (highlightID != null) {
try {
tooltip.append("Id: ").append(highlightID).append("\n");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Wrong date
// Add author
if (highlightAuthor != null) {
tooltip.append("Author: ").append(highlightAuthor).append("\n");;
// Add comment
if (highlightComment != null) {
tooltip.append("Comment: ").append(highlightComment);
return tooltip.toString();
public HighlightPainter getHighlightPainter(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight) {
ColorHighlightPainter painter = new ColorHighlightPainter();
painter.setBgColor(new Color(0, 0, 255, 20));
return painter;
// Set reviews tool tip and painters
authorAccess.getReviewController().setReviewRenderer(new PersistentHighlightRenderer() {
* @see ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.PersistentHighlightRenderer#getTooltip(ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.AuthorPersistentHighlight)
public String getTooltip(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight) {
String tooltip = "Review Tooltip";
PersistentHighlightType type = highlight.getType();
if (type == PersistentHighlightType.CHANGE_DELETE) {
// Delete highlight
tooltip = "Deleted by " + highlight.getClonedProperties().get("author");
} else if (type == PersistentHighlightType.CHANGE_INSERT) {
// Insert highlight
tooltip = "Inserted by " + highlight.getClonedProperties().get("author");
} else if (type == PersistentHighlightType.COMMENT) {
// Comment highlight
// If a null value is returned, the default tooltip text will be used
tooltip = null;
return tooltip;
* @see ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.PersistentHighlightRenderer#getHighlightPainter(ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.highlights.AuthorPersistentHighlight)
public HighlightPainter getHighlightPainter(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight) {
HighlightPainter reviewPainter = null;
Map<String, String> properties = highlight.getClonedProperties();
String authorName = properties.get("author");
if (authorName != null) {
// Get the highlight/colors association for this author name
Map<PersistentHighlightType, HighlightColors> highlightColorsMap = authorHighlightColors.get(authorName);
if (highlightColorsMap != null) {
// Get the associated colors for this type of highlight
HighlightColors highlightColors = highlightColorsMap.get(highlight.getType());
if (highlightColors != null) {
reviewPainter = new ColorHighlightPainter();
// Background color
((ColorHighlightPainter) reviewPainter).setBgColor(highlightColors.getBgColor());
// Decoration color
((ColorHighlightPainter) reviewPainter).setColor(highlightColors.getDecorationColor());
// If a null value is returned the default highlight painter is used.
return reviewPainter;
// Get the list with all track changes highlights from the document
AuthorPersistentHighlight[] changeHighlights = authorAccess.getReviewController().getChangeHighlights();
if(changeHighlights.length > 0 && !authorAccess.getReviewController().isTrackingChanges()) {
// If the document has track changes highlights, then set track changes mode to ON
// Add a popup menu customizer. Group Cut, Copy, Paste and Paste as XML actions in Edit menu.
authorAccess.getEditorAccess().addPopUpMenuCustomizer(new AuthorPopupMenuCustomizer() {
// Customize popup menu
public void customizePopUpMenu(Object popUp, final AuthorAccess authorAccess) {
JPopupMenu popupMenu = (JPopupMenu) popUp;
Component[] components = popupMenu.getComponents();
// The new 'Edit' menu
JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit");
boolean shouldAddEditMenu = false;
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
if (components[i] instanceof JMenuItem) {
JMenuItem menuItem = (JMenuItem) components[i];
if (menuItem.getAction() != null) {
Object name = menuItem.getAction().getValue(Action.NAME);
if ("Cut".equals(name) || "Copy".equals(name) || "Paste".equals(name)|| "Paste as XML".equals(name)) {
// Remove edit actions
// Add edit actions to edit menu
shouldAddEditMenu = true;
if (shouldAddEditMenu) {
popupMenu.add(editMenu, 0);
final URL selectedUrl;
try {
final String selectedText = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getSelectedText();
if (selectedText != null) {
selectedUrl = new URL(selectedText);
// Open selected url in system application
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Open in system application") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
authorAccess.getWorkspaceAccess().openInExternalApplication(selectedUrl, true);
}), 0);
} catch (MalformedURLException e2) {}
// Add a provider for callouts rendering
CalloutsRenderingProvider calloutsRenderingProvider = new CalloutsRenderingProvider(authorAccess);
AuthorCalloutsController authorCalloutsController =
// Show insertions callouts
// Add an actions provider for actions that are shown on the contextual menu of the
// custom callout
AuthorPersistentHighlighter highlighter = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getPersistentHighlighter();
SDFAuthorPersistentHighlightActionsProvider highlightActionsProvider =
new SDFAuthorPersistentHighlightActionsProvider(authorAccess);
// Other custom initializations...
* The SDF Author extension is deactivated.
public void deactivated(AuthorAccess authorAccess) {
// Remove the option listener.
// Remove document listeners.
if (authorAccess.getWorkspaceAccess().getPlatform() != Platform.WEBAPP) {
// Remove mouse listener.
// Remove caret listener.
// Other actions...
public String getDescription() {
return "Simple Document Framework state listener";
* Returns the Author access.
* @return The access to Author functions and components.
public AuthorAccess getAuthorAccess() {
return authorAccess;