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package simple.documentation.framework;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIAttribute;
import ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement;
import ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElementAdapter;
* Simple Documentation Framework element.
public class SDFElement extends CIElementAdapter {
* The namespace.
protected String namespace = null;
* The element name.
protected String name = null;
* The proxy.
protected String proxy = null;
* The type description.
private String typeDescription = null;
* List of attributes.
protected List<CIAttribute> attributes = null;
* The possible values as <code>String</code> list.
private List<String> possiblesValuesList;
* The element model description.
private String modelDescription;
* The facets. One facet can be null if it is not defined.
private String lengthFacetValue;
* The content type of the element.
private int contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_NOT_DETERMINED;
* True if content is nillable. Used only for XML Schema.
private boolean nillable;
* Facet values.
private String minLengthFacetValue;
private String maxLengthFacetValue;
private String whitespaceFacetValue;
private String minInclusiveFacetValue;
private String minExclusiveFacetValue;
private String maxInclusiveFacetValue;
private String maxExclusiveFacetValue;
private String totalDigitsFacetValue;
private String fractionDigitsFacetValue;
private String facetPatternValue;
* Guess some following elements if possible
protected List<CIElement> guessElements = null;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getGuessElements()
public List<CIElement> getGuessElements() {
if (guessElements != null && guessElements.isEmpty()) {
// Return null is the list is empty.
return null;
return guessElements;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#addGuessElement(ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement)
public void addGuessElement(CIElement e) {
if (guessElements == null) {
guessElements = new ArrayList<CIElement>();
* @return The string representing the name or null.
public String getName(){
return name;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getNamespace()
public String getNamespace(){
return namespace;
* True if the element has a namespace.
private boolean xmlns;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setDeclareXmlns(boolean)
public void setDeclareXmlns(boolean xmlns) {
this.xmlns = xmlns;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setContentType(int)
public void setContentType(int contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#isEmpty()
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getContentType() == CONTENT_TYPE_EMPTY;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getContentType()
public int getContentType() {
return contentType;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#isDeclareXmlns()
public boolean isDeclareXmlns() {
return xmlns;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setName(java.lang.String)
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setPrefix(java.lang.String)
public void setPrefix(String proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setNamespace(java.lang.String)
public void setNamespace(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getQName()
public String getQName() {
if (getPrefix() != null && !"".equals(getPrefix())) {
return getPrefix() + ":" + getName();
} else {
return getName();
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object o) {
boolean result = false;
if (o instanceof SDFElement) {
CIElement cie = (CIElement) o;
result = compareTo(cie) == 0;
return result;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getAttributes()
public List<CIAttribute> getAttributes() {
return attributes;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setAttributes(java.util.List)
public void setAttributes(List<CIAttribute> attributes) {
this.attributes = attributes;
* Concatenates the name and the namespace and compares it with the other name and namespace,
* as strings.
* @param other The object to compare to.
* @return The value <code>0</code> if the argument object is equal to this object.
public int compareTo(CIElement other){
String n1 = getName() == null ? "": getName();
String nm1 = getNamespace() == null ? "": getNamespace();
String n2 = other.getName() == null ? "": other.getName();
String nm2 = other.getNamespace() == null ? "": other.getNamespace();
int result = n1.compareTo(n2);
if(result == 0) {
result = nm1.compareTo(nm2);
return result;
* Return the name.
* @return The name.
public String toString(){
String toRet = String.valueOf(getName());
return toRet;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#hasPrefix()
public boolean hasPrefix() {
return getPrefix() != null && !"".equals(getPrefix());
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getPrefix()
public String getPrefix() {
return proxy;
* @param modelDescription The modelDescription to set.
public void setModelDescription(String modelDescription) {
this.modelDescription = modelDescription;
* @param fractionDigitsFacetValue The fractionDigitsFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetFractionDigitsValue(String fractionDigitsFacetValue) {
this.fractionDigitsFacetValue = fractionDigitsFacetValue;
* @param maxExclusiveFacetValue The maxExclusiveFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMaxExclusiveValue(String maxExclusiveFacetValue) {
this.maxExclusiveFacetValue = maxExclusiveFacetValue;
* @param maxInclusiveFacetValue The maxInclusiveFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMaxInclusiveValue(String maxInclusiveFacetValue) {
this.maxInclusiveFacetValue = maxInclusiveFacetValue;
* @param maxLengthFacetValue The maxLengthFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMaxLengthValue(String maxLengthFacetValue) {
this.maxLengthFacetValue = maxLengthFacetValue;
* @param minInclusiveFacetValue The minInclusiveFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMinInclusiveValue(String minInclusiveFacetValue) {
this.minInclusiveFacetValue = minInclusiveFacetValue;
* @param possiblesValuesList The possiblesValuesList to set.
public void setPossiblesValues(List<String> possiblesValuesList) {
this.possiblesValuesList = possiblesValuesList;
* @param totalDigitsFacetValue The totalDigitsFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetTotalDigitsValue(String totalDigitsFacetValue) {
this.totalDigitsFacetValue = totalDigitsFacetValue;
* @param whitespaceFacetValue The whitespaceFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetWhitespaceValue(String whitespaceFacetValue) {
this.whitespaceFacetValue = whitespaceFacetValue;
* @param lengthFacetValue The lengthFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetLengthValue(String lengthFacetValue) {
this.lengthFacetValue = lengthFacetValue;
* @param minLengthFacetValue The minLengthFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMinLengthValue(String minLengthFacetValue) {
this.minLengthFacetValue = minLengthFacetValue;
* @param minExclusiveFacetValue The minExclusiveFacetValue to set.
public void setFacetMinExclusiveValue(String minExclusiveFacetValue) {
this.minExclusiveFacetValue = minExclusiveFacetValue;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.NodeDescription#getFacetFractionDigitsValue()
public String getFacetFractionDigitsValue() {
return fractionDigitsFacetValue;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.NodeDescription#getFacetTotalDigitsValue()
public String getFacetTotalDigitsValue() {
return totalDigitsFacetValue;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.NodeDescription#getFacetMaxInclusiveValue()
public String getFacetMaxInclusiveValue() {
return maxInclusiveFacetValue;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.NodeDescription#getFacetMaxExclusiveValue()
public String getFacetMaxExclusiveValue() {
return maxExclusiveFacetValue;
* Get the value of MIN_INCLUSIVE facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of MIN_INCLUSIVE facet.
public String getFacetMinInclusiveValue() {
return minInclusiveFacetValue;
* Get the value of MIN_EXCLUSIVE facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of MIN_EXCLUSIVE facet.
public String getFacetMinExclusiveValue() {
return minExclusiveFacetValue;
* Get the possible values as <code>String</code> list.
* @return The possible values.
public List<String> getPossibleValues() {
return possiblesValuesList;
* Get the model description.
* @return The model description.
public String getModelDescription() {
return modelDescription;
* Get the value of LENGTH facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of length facet.
public String getFacetLengthValue() {
return lengthFacetValue;
* Get the value of MIN LENGTH facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of MIN LENGTH facet.
public String getFacetMinLengthValue() {
return minLengthFacetValue;
* Get the value of MAX LENGTH facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of MAX LENGTH facet.
public String getFacetMaxLengthValue() {
return maxLengthFacetValue;
* Get the value of WHITESPACE facet, can be null if it is not defined.
* @return The value of WHITESPACE facet.
public String getFacetWhitespaceValue() {
return whitespaceFacetValue;
* Get the list with pattern facets.
* @return The list with pattern facets, can be null if no FACET_PATTERN defined.
public String getFacetPattern(){
return facetPatternValue;
* Set the list with pattern facets.
* @param patternFacets The list with pattern facets.
public void setFacetPattern(String patternFacets){
this.facetPatternValue = patternFacets;
* The annotation string, null as default.
protected String annotation;
* Get the annotation for the element.
* @return A text that explain how to use the attribute, or null.
public String getAnnotation() {
return annotation;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setAnnotation(java.lang.String)
public void setAnnotation(String annotation){
this.annotation = annotation;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#getTypeDescription()
public String getTypeDescription() {
return typeDescription;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setTypeDescription(java.lang.String)
public void setTypeDescription(String typeDescription) {
this.typeDescription = typeDescription;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#setNillable(boolean)
public void setNillable(boolean nillable) {
this.nillable = nillable;
* @see ro.sync.contentcompletion.xml.CIElement#isNillable()
public boolean isNillable() {
return nillable;