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* @package SQLite Integration
* @version 1.0
* @author Kojima Toshiyasu, Justin Adie
* This class defines user defined functions(UDFs) for PDO
* This replaces the functions used in the SQL statement with the PHP functions.
* If you want another, add the name in the array and define the function with
* PHP script.
class PDOSQLiteUDFS {
public function __construct(&$pdo){
foreach ($this->functions as $f=>$t) {
$pdo->sqliteCreateFunction($f, array($this, $t));
private $functions = array(
'month' => 'month',
'year' => 'year',
'day' => 'day',
'unix_timestamp' => 'unix_timestamp',
'now' => 'now',
'char_length' => 'char_length',
'md5' => 'md5',
'curdate' => 'curdate',
'rand' => 'rand',
'substring' => 'substring',
'dayofmonth' => 'day',
'second' => 'second',
'minute' => 'minute',
'hour' => 'hour',
'date_format' => 'dateformat',
'from_unixtime' => 'from_unixtime',
'date_add' => 'date_add',
'date_sub' => 'date_sub',
'adddate' => 'date_add',
'subdate' => 'date_sub',
'localtime' => 'now',
'localtimestamp' => 'now',
'isnull' => 'isnull',
'if' => '_if',
'regexpp' => 'regexp',
'concat' => 'concat',
'field' => 'field',
'log' => 'log',
'least' => 'least',
'get_lock' => 'get_lock',
'release_lock' => 'release_lock',
'ucase' => 'ucase',
'lcase' => 'lcase',
'inet_ntoa' => 'inet_ntoa',
'inet_aton' => 'inet_aton',
'datediff' => 'datediff',
'locate' => 'locate'
public function month($field){
$t = strtotime($field);
return date('n', $t);
public function year($field){
$t = strtotime($field);
return date('Y', $t);
public function day($field){
$t = strtotime($field);
return date('j', $t);
public function unix_timestamp($field = null){
return is_null($field) ? time() : strtotime($field);
public function second($field){
$t = strtotime($field);
return intval( date("s", $t) );
public function minute($field){
$t = strtotime($field);
return intval(date("i", $t));
public function hour($time){
list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode(":", $time);
return intval($hours);
public function from_unixtime($field, $format=null){
// $field is a timestamp
//convert to ISO time
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $field);
//now submit to dateformat
return is_null($format) ? $date : $self->dateformat($date, $format);
public function now(){
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
public function curdate() {
return date("Y-m-d");
public function char_length($field){
return strlen($field);
public function md5($field){
return md5($field);
public function rand(){
return rand(0,1);
public function substring($text, $pos, $len=null){
if (is_null($len)) return substr($text, $pos-1);
else return substr($text, $pos-1, $len);
public function dateformat($date, $format){
$mysql_php_dateformats = array ( '%a' => 'D', '%b' => 'M', '%c' => 'n', '%D' => 'jS', '%d' => 'd', '%e' => 'j', '%H' => 'H', '%h' => 'h', '%I' => 'h', '%i' => 'i', '%j' => 'z', '%k' => 'G', '%l' => 'g', '%M' => 'F', '%m' => 'm', '%p' => 'A', '%r' => 'h:i:s A', '%S' => 's', '%s' => 's', '%T' => 'H:i:s', '%U' => 'W', '%u' => 'W', '%V' => 'W', '%v' => 'W', '%W' => 'l', '%w' => 'w', '%X' => 'Y', '%x' => 'o', '%Y' => 'Y', '%y' => 'y', );
$t = strtotime($date);
$format = strtr($format, $mysql_php_dateformats);
$output = date($format, $t);
return $output;
public function date_add($date, $interval) {
$interval = $this->deriveInterval($interval);
switch (strtolower($date)) {
case "curdate()":
$objDate = new Datetime($this->curdate());
$objDate->add(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d");
case "now()":
$objDate = new Datetime($this->now());
$objDate->add(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objDate = new Datetime($date);
$objDate->add(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
return $returnval;
public function date_sub($date, $interval) {
$interval = $this->deriveInterval($interval);
switch (strtolower($date)) {
case "curdate()":
$objDate = new Datetime($this->curdate());
$objDate->sub(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d");
case "now()":
$objDate = new Datetime($this->now());
$objDate->sub(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$objDate = new Datetime($date);
$objDate->sub(new DateInterval($interval));
$returnval = $objDate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
return $returnval;
private function deriveInterval($interval){
$interval = trim(substr(trim($interval), 8));
$parts = explode(' ', $interval);
foreach($parts as $part){
if (!empty($part)){
$_parts[] = $part;
$type = strtolower(end($_parts));
switch ($type){
case "second":
case "minute":
case "hour":
case "day":
case "week":
case "month":
case "year":
if (intval($_parts[0]) > 1){
$type .= 's';
return "$_parts[0] $_parts[1]";
case "minute_second":
list($minutes, $seconds) = explode (':', $_parts[0]);
$minutes = intval($minutes);
$seconds = intval($seconds);
$minutes = ($minutes > 1) ? "$minutes minutes" : "$minutes minute";
$seconds = ($seconds > 1) ? "$seconds seconds" : "$seconds second";
return "$minutes $seconds";
case "hour_second":
list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode (':', $_parts[0]);
$hours = intval($hours);
$minutes = intval($minutes);
$seconds = intval($seconds);
$hours = ($hours > 1) ? "$hours hours" : "$hours hour";
$minutes = ($minutes > 1) ? "$minutes minutes" : "$minutes minute";
$seconds = ($seconds > 1) ? "$seconds seconds" : "$seconds second";
return "$hours $minutes $seconds";
case "hour_minute":
list($hours, $minutes) = explode (':', $_parts[0]);
$hours = intval($hours);
$minutes = intval($minutes);
$hours = ($hours > 1) ? "$hours hours" : "$hours hour";
$minutes = ($minutes > 1) ? "$minutes minutes" : "$minutes minute";
return "$hours $minutes";
case "day_second":
$days = intval($_parts[0]);
list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode (':', $_parts[1]);
$hours = intval($hours);
$minutes = intval($minutes);
$seconds = intval($seconds);
$days = $days > 1 ? "$days days" : "$days day";
$hours = ($hours > 1) ? "$hours hours" : "$hours hour";
$minutes = ($minutes > 1) ? "$minutes minutes" : "$minutes minute";
$seconds = ($seconds > 1) ? "$seconds seconds" : "$seconds second";
return "$days $hours $minutes $seconds";
case "day_minute":
$days = intval($_parts[0]);
list($hours, $minutes) = explode (':', $_parts[1]);
$hours = intval($hours);
$minutes = intval($minutes);
$days = $days > 1 ? "$days days" : "$days day";
$hours = ($hours > 1) ? "$hours hours" : "$hours hour";
$minutes = ($minutes > 1) ? "$minutes minutes" : "$minutes minute";
return "$days $hours $minutes";
case "day_hour":
$days = intval($_parts[0]);
$hours = intval($_parts[1]);
$days = $days > 1 ? "$days days" : "$days day";
$hours = ($hours > 1) ? "$hours hours" : "$hours hour";
return "$days $hours";
case "year_month":
list($years, $months) = explode ('-', $_parts[0]);
$years = intval($years);
$months = intval($months);
$years = ($years > 1) ? "$years years" : "$years year";
$months = ($months > 1) ? "$months months": "$months month";
return "$years $months";
return false;
public function date($date){
return date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date));
public function isnull($field){
return is_null($field);
public function _if($expression, $true, $false){
return ($expression == true) ? $true : $false;
public function regexp($field, $pattern){
$pattern = str_replace('/', '\/', $pattern);
$pattern = "/" . $pattern ."/i";
return preg_match ($pattern, $field);
public function concat() {
$returnValue = "";
$argsNum = func_num_args();
$argsList = func_get_args();
for ($i = 0; $i < $argsNum; $i++) {
if (is_null($argsList[$i])) {
return null;
$returnValue .= $argsList[$i];
return $returnValue;
public function field() {
$numArgs = func_num_args();
if ($numArgs < 2 or is_null(func_get_arg(0))) {
return null;
$arr = func_get_args();
$searchString = strtolower(array_shift($arr));
for ($i = 0; $i < $numArgs-1; $i++) {
if ($searchString === strtolower($arr[$i])) return $i + 1;
return null;
public function log() {
$numArgs = func_num_args();
if ($numArgs == 1) {
$arg1 = func_get_arg(0);
return log($arg1);
} else if ($numArgs == 2) {
$arg1 = func_get_arg(0);
$arg2 = func_get_arg(1);
return log($arg1)/log($arg2);
} else {
return false;
public function least() {
$arr = func_get_args();
return min($arr);
* These two functions are meaningless in SQLite
* So we return meaningless statement and do nothing
* @param string $name
* @param integer $timeout
* @return string
public function get_lock($name, $timeout) {
return '1=1';
public function release_lock($name) {
return '1=1';
* MySQL aliases for upper and lower functions
* @param unknown $string
* @return string
public function ucase($string) {
return "upper($string)";
public function lcase($string) {
return "lower($string)";
* MySQL aliases for INET_NTOA and INET_ATON functions
* @param unsigned integer, string respectively
* @return string, unsigned integer respectively
public function inet_ntoa($num) {
return long2ip($num);
public function inet_aton($addr) {
$int_data = ip2long($addr);
$unsigned_int_data = sprintf('%u', $address);
return $unsigned_int_data;
* MySQL aliase for DATEDIFF function
* @param string, string
* @return string
public function datediff($start, $end) {
$start_date = strtotime($start);
$end_date = strtotime($end);
$interval = floor(($end_date - $start_date)/(3600*24));
return $interval;
* emulates MySQL LOCATE() function
public function locate($substr, $str, $pos = 0) {
if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
if (($val = stros($str, $substr, $pos)) !== false) {
return $val + 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (($val = mb_strpos($str, $substr, $pos)) !== false) {
return $val + 1;
} else {
return 0;