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* @package SQLite Integration
* @author Kojima Toshiyasu, Justin Adie
* base class for sql rewriting except CREATE, ALTER TABLE
class PDOSQLiteDriver {
//required variables
public $query_type = '';
public $_query = '';
* function to determin which functions to use
* @param strin $query
* @param string $query_type
* @return string
public function rewrite_query($query, $query_type){
$this->query_type = $query_type;
$this->_query = $query;
switch ($this->query_type) {
case 'truncate':
case 'alter':
case 'create':
case 'describe':
case 'desc':
case 'show':
case 'showcolumns':
case 'showindex':
case 'select':
case 'insert':
case 'update':
// $this->_rewrite_date_sub();
case 'delete':
case 'replace':
case 'optimize':
case 'pragma':
if (defined(WP_DEBUG) && WP_DEBUG) {
} else {
return $this->_query;
* method to dummy the SHOW TABLES query
private function _handle_show_query(){
$table_name = '';
$pattern = '/^\\s*SHOW\\s*TABLES\\s*.*?(LIKE\\s*(.*))$/im';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $matches)) {
$table_name = str_replace(array("'", ';'), '', $matches[2]);
if (!empty($table_name)) {
$suffix = ' AND name LIKE '. "'" . $table_name . "'";
} else {
$suffix = '';
$this->_query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'" . $suffix . ' ORDER BY name DESC';
* method to strip all column qualifiers (backticks) from a query
private function _strip_backticks(){
$this->_query = str_replace('`', '', $this->_query);
* method to emulate the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS placeholder for mysql
* this is a kind of tricky play.
* 1. remove SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option, and give it to the pdo engine
* 2. make another $wpdb instance, and execute SELECT COUNT(*) query
* 3. give the returned value to the original instance variable
* when SQL statement contains GROUP BY option, SELECT COUNT query doesn't
* go well. So we remove the GROUP BY, which means the returned value may
* be a approximate one.
* this kind of statement is required for WordPress to calculate the paging.
* see also WP_Query class in wp-includes/query.php
private function _handle_sql_count(){
if (stripos($this->_query, 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS') !== false){
global $wpdb;
// first strip the code. this is the end of rewriting process
$this->_query = str_ireplace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', '', $this->_query);
// we make the data for next SELECE FOUND_ROWS() statement
$unlimited_query = preg_replace('/\\bLIMIT\\s*.*/imsx', '', $this->_query);
// $unlimited_query = preg_replace('/\\bFALSE\\s*.*/imsx', '0', $unlimited_query);
$unlimited_query = preg_replace('/\\bGROUP\\s*BY\\s*.*/imsx', '', $unlimited_query);
$unlimited_query = $this->__transform_to_count($unlimited_query);
$_wpdb = new PDODB();
$result = $_wpdb->query($unlimited_query);
$wpdb->dbh->found_rows_result = $_wpdb->last_result;
* transforms a select query to a select count(*)
* @param string $query the query to be transformed
* @return string the transformed query
private function __transform_to_count($query){
$pattern = '/^\\s*SELECT\\s*(DISTINCT|)?.*?FROM\b/imsx';
$_query = preg_replace($pattern, 'SELECT \\1 COUNT(*) FROM ', $query);
return $_query;
* rewrites the insert ignore phrase for sqlite
private function _rewrite_insert_ignore(){
$this->_query = str_ireplace('INSERT IGNORE', 'INSERT OR IGNORE ', $this->_query);
* rewrites the update ignore phrase for sqlite
private function _rewrite_update_ignore(){
$this->_query = str_ireplace('UPDATE IGNORE', 'UPDATE OR IGNORE ', $this->_query);
* rewrites the date_add function for udf to manipulate
private function _rewrite_date_add(){
//(date,interval expression unit)
$pattern = '/\\s*date_add\\s*\(([^,]*),([^\)]*)\)/imsx';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $matches)) {
$expression = "'".trim($matches[2])."'";
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, " date_add($matches[1], $expression) ", $this->_query);
* rewrite the data_sub function for udf to manipulate
private function _rewrite_date_sub(){
//(date,interval expression unit)
$pattern = '/\\s*date_sub\\s*\(([^,]*),([^\)]*)\)/imsx';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $matches)) {
$expression = "'".trim($matches[2])."'";
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, " date_sub($matches[1], $expression) ", $this->_query);
* handles the create query
* this function won't be used... See PDOEngine class
private function _handle_create_query(){
require_once PDODIR.'query_create.class.php';
$engine = new CreateQuery();
$this->_query = $engine->rewrite_query($this->_query);
$engine = null;
* handles the ALTER query
* this function won't be used... See PDOEngine class
private function _handle_alter_query(){
require_once PDODIR . 'query_alter.class.php';
$engine = new AlterQuery();
$this->_query = $engine->rewrite_query($this->_query, 'alter');
$engine = null;
* handles DESCRIBE or DESC query
* this is required in the WordPress install process
private function _handle_describe_query(){
// $this->_query = "select 1=1";
$pattern = '/^\\s*(DESCRIBE|DESC)\\s*(.*)/i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $match)) {
$tablename = preg_replace('/[\';]/', '', $match[2]);
$this->_query = "PRAGMA table_info($tablename)";
* The author of the original 'PDO for WordPress' says update method of wpdb
* insists on adding LIMIT. But the newest version of WordPress doesn't do that.
* Nevertheless some plugins use DELETE with LIMIT, UPDATE with LIMIT.
* We need to exclude sub query's LIMIT.
private function _rewrite_limit_usage(){
$_wpdb = new PDODB();
$options = $_wpdb->get_results('PRAGMA compile_options');
foreach ($options as $opt) {
if (stripos($opt->compile_option, 'ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT') !== false) return;
if (stripos($this->_query, '(select') === false) {
$this->_query = preg_replace('/\\s*LIMIT\\s*[0-9]$/i', '', $this->_query);
* SQLite compiled without SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT option can't
* execute UPDATE with ORDER BY, DELETE with GROUP BY.
* We need to exclude sub query's GROUP BY.
private function _rewrite_order_by_usage() {
if (stripos($this->_query, '(select') === false) {
$this->_query = preg_replace('/\\s*ORDER\\s*BY\\s*.*$/i', '', $this->_query);
private function _handle_truncate_query(){
$pattern = '/TRUNCATE TABLE (.*)/im';
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, 'DELETE FROM $1', $this->_query);
* rewrites use of Optimize queries in mysql for sqlite.
* table name is ignored.
private function _rewrite_optimize(){
$this->_query ="VACUUM";
* Jusitn Adie says: some wp UI interfaces (notably the post interface)
* badly composes the day part of the date leading to problems in sqlite
* sort ordering etc.
* I don't understand that...
* @return void
private function _rewrite_badly_formed_dates(){
$pattern = '/([12]\d{3,}-\d{2}-)(\d )/ims';
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, '${1}0$2', $this->_query);
* function to remove unsupported index hinting from mysql queries
* @return void
private function _delete_index_hints(){
$pattern = '/\\s*(use|ignore|force)\\s+index\\s*\(.*?\)/i';
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->_query);
* Fix the date string and quote. This is required for the calendar widget.
* where month(fieldname)=08 becomes month(fieldname)='8'
* where month(fieldname)='08' becomes month(fieldname)='8'
* I use preg_replace_callback instead of 'e' option because of security reason.
* cf. PHP manual (regular expression)
* @return void
private function _fix_date_quoting() {
$pattern = '/(month|year|second|day|minute|hour|dayofmonth)\\s*\((.*?)\)\\s*=\\s*["\']?(\d{1,4})[\'"]?\\s*/im';
$this->_query = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, '__fix_date_quoting'), $this->_query);
private function __fix_date_quoting($match) {
$fixed_val = "{$match[1]}({$match[2]})='" . intval($match[3]) . "' ";
return $fixed_val;
private function _rewrite_regexp(){
$pattern = '/\s([^\s]*)\s*regexp\s*(\'.*?\')/im';
$this->_query = preg_replace($pattern, ' regexpp(\1, \2)', $this->_query);
* rewrites boolean to numeral
* SQLite doesn't support true/false type
private function _rewrite_boolean() {
$query = str_ireplace('TRUE', "1", $this->_query);
$query = str_ireplace('FALSE', "0", $query);
$this->_query = $query;
* method to execute SHOW COLUMNS query
private function _handle_show_columns_query() {
$pattern_like = '/^\\s*SHOW\\s*(COLUMNS|FIELDS)\\s*FROM\\s*(.*)?\\s*LIKE\\s*(.*)?/i';
$pattern = '/^\\s*SHOW\\s*(COLUMNS|FIELDS)\\s*FROM\\s*(.*)?/i';
if (preg_match($pattern_like, $this->_query, $matches)) {
$table_name = str_replace("'", "", trim($matches[2]));
$column_name = str_replace("'", "", trim($matches[3]));
$query_string = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='$table_name' AND sql LIKE '%$column_name%'";
$this->_query = $query_string;
} elseif (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $matches)) {
$table_name = $matches[2];
$query_string = preg_replace($pattern, "PRAGMA table_info($table_name)", $this->_query);
$this->_query = $query_string;
* method to execute SHOW INDEX query
* Moved the WHERE clause manipulation to pdoengin.class.php (ver 1.3.1)
private function _handle_show_index() {
$pattern = '/^\\s*SHOW\\s*(?:INDEX|INDEXES|KEYS)\\s*FROM\\s*(\\w+)?/im';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $match)) {
$table_name = preg_replace("/[\';]/", '', $match[1]);
$table_name = trim($table_name);
$this->_query = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='$table_name'";
* function to rewrite ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement
* I use SELECT query and check if INSERT is allowed or not
* Rewriting procedure looks like a detour, but I've got another way.
* @return void
private function _execute_duplicate_key_update() {
$update = false;
$unique_keys_for_cond = array();
$unique_keys_for_check = array();
$pattern = '/^\\s*INSERT\\s*INTO\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*(.*)\\s*ON\\s*DUPLICATE\\s*KEY\\s*UPDATE\\s*(.*)$/ims';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $match_0)) {
$table_name = trim($match_0[1]);
$insert_data = trim($match_0[2]);
$update_data = trim($match_0[3]);
// prepare two unique key data for the table
// 1. array('col1', 'col2, col3', etc) 2. array('col1', 'col2', 'col3', etc)
$_wpdb = new PDODB();
$indexes = $_wpdb->get_results("SHOW INDEX FROM {$table_name}");
if (!empty($indexes)) {
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
if ($index->Non_unique == 0) {
$unique_keys_for_cond[] = $index->Column_name;
if (strpos($index->Column_name, ',') !== false) {
$unique_keys_for_check = array_merge($unique_keys_for_check, explode(',', $index->Column_name));
} else {
$unique_keys_for_check[] = $index->Column_name;
$unique_keys_for_check = array_map('trim', $unique_keys_for_check);
} else {
// Without unique key or primary key, UPDATE statement will affect all the rows!
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' '.$insert_data;
$this->_query = $query;
$_wpdb = null;
// data check
if (preg_match('/^\((.*)\)\\s*VALUES\\s*\((.*)\)$/ims', $insert_data, $match_1)) {
$col_array = explode(',', $match_1[1]);
$ins_data_array = explode(',', $match_1[2]);
foreach ($col_array as $col) {
$val = trim(array_shift($ins_data_array));
$ins_data_assoc[trim($col)] = $val;
// $ins_data_assoc = array_combine($col_array, $ins_array);
$condition = '';
foreach ($unique_keys_for_cond as $unique_key) {
if (strpos($unique_key, ',') !== false) {
$unique_key_array = explode(',', $unique_key);
$counter = count($unique_key_array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; ++$i) {
$col = trim($unique_key_array[$i]);
if (isset($ins_data_assoc[$col]) && $i == $counter - 1) {
$condition .= $col . '=' . $ins_data_assoc[$col] . ' OR ';
} elseif (isset($ins_data_assoc[$col])) {
$condition .= $col . '=' . $ins_data_assoc[$col] . ' AND ';
} else {
// $condition = rtrim($condition, ' AND ');
} else {
$col = trim($unique_key);
if (isset($ins_data_assoc[$col])) {
$condition .= $col . '=' . $ins_data_assoc[$col] . ' OR ';
} else {
$condition = rtrim($condition, ' OR ');
$test_query = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE {$condition}";
$results = $_wpdb->query($test_query);
$_wpdb = null;
if ($results == 0) {
$this->_query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' '.$insert_data;
} else {
// change (col, col...) values (data, data...) to array(col=>data, col=>data...)
if (preg_match('/^\((.*)\)\\s*VALUES\\s*\((.*)\)$/im', $insert_data, $match_2)) {
$col_array = explode(',', $match_2[1]);
$ins_array = explode(',', $match_2[2]);
$count = count($col_array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$col = trim($col_array[$i]);
$val = trim($ins_array[$i]);
$ins_array_assoc[$col] = $val;
// change col = data, col = data to array(col=>data, col=>data)
// some plugins have semi-colon at the end of the query
$update_data = rtrim($update_data, ';');
$tmp_array = explode(',', $update_data);
foreach ($tmp_array as $pair) {
list($col, $value) = explode('=', $pair);
$col = trim($col);
$value = trim($value);
$update_array_assoc[$col] = $value;
// change array(col=>values(col)) to array(col=>data)
foreach ($update_array_assoc as $key => &$value) {
if (preg_match('/^VALUES\\s*\((.*)\)$/im', $value, $match_3)) {
$col = trim($match_3[1]);
$value = $ins_array_assoc[$col];
foreach ($ins_array_assoc as $key => $val) {
if (in_array($key, $unique_keys_for_check)) {
$where_array[] = $key . '=' . $val;
$update_strings = '';
foreach ($update_array_assoc as $key => $val) {
if (in_array($key, $unique_keys_for_check)) {
$where_array[] = $key . '=' . $val;
} else {
$update_strings .= $key . '=' . $val . ',';
$update_strings = rtrim($update_strings, ',');
$unique_where = array_unique($where_array, SORT_REGULAR);
$where_string = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $unique_where);
// $where_string = ' WHERE ' . rtrim($where_string, ',');
$update_query = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ' . $update_strings . $where_string;
$this->_query = $update_query;
// else {
// $pattern = '/ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.*$/im';
// $replace_query = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->_query);
// $replace_query = str_ireplace('INSERT ', 'INSERT OR REPLACE ', $replace_query);
// $this->_query = $replace_query;
// }
private function _rewrite_between() {
$pattern = '/\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*BETWEEN\\s*([^\\s]*)?\\s*AND\\s*([^\\s]*)?\\s*/ims';
if (preg_match($pattern, $this->_query, $match)) {
$column_name = trim($match[1]);
$min_value = trim($match[2]);
$max_value = trim($match[3]);
$max_value = rtrim($max_value);
$tokens = preg_split("/(''|'|,|)/s", $this->_query, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$literal = false;
$rewriting = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (strpos($token, "'") !== false) {
if ($literal) {
$literal = false;
} else {
$literal = true;
} else {
if ($literal === false && stripos($token, 'between') !== false) {
$rewriting = true;
if ($rewriting) {
$replacement = " $column_name >= '$min_value' AND $column_name <= '$max_value'";
$this->_query = str_ireplace($match[0], $replacement, $this->_query);
* workaround function to avoid DELETE with JOIN
* wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php contains 'DELETE ... JOIN' statement.
* This query can't be replaced with regular expression or udf, so we
* replace all the statement with another.
private function _delete_workaround() {
global $wpdb;
// $pattern = "DELETE o1 FROM $wpdb->options AS o1 JOIN $wpdb->options AS o2 USING (option_name) WHERE o2.option_id > o1.option_id";
$pattern = "DELETE o1 FROM $wpdb->options AS o1 JOIN $wpdb->options AS o2";
$rewritten = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_id IN (SELECT MIN(option_id) FROM $wpdb->options GROUP BY option_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)";
if (stripos($this->_query, $pattern) !== false) {
$this->_query = $rewritten;
private function _return_true() {
$this->_query = 'SELECT 1=1';