
642 lines
19 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
2018-03-15 21:11:18 +00:00
require_once( 'wp-gpx-maps_utils_nggallery.php' );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function wpgpxmaps_getAttachedImages( $dt, $lat, $lon, $dtoffset, &$error ) {
$result = array();
try {
$attachments = get_children( array(
'post_parent' => get_the_ID(),
'post_type' => 'attachment',
/* show all -1 */
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order ASC',
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment_id => $attachment ) {
$img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'full' );
$img_thmb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail' );
$img_metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );
$item = array();
$item["data"] = wp_get_attachment_link( $attachment_id, array( 105, 105 ) );
if ( is_callable( 'exif_read_data' ) ) {
$exif = @exif_read_data( $img_src[0] );
if ( $exif !== false ) {
$item["lon"] = getExifGps( $exif["GPSLongitude"], $exif['GPSLongitudeRef'] );
$item["lat"] = getExifGps( $exif["GPSLatitude"], $exif['GPSLatitudeRef'] );
if ( ( $item["lat"] != 0 ) || ( $item["lon"] != 0 ) ) {
$result[] = $item;
} elseif ( isset( $p->imagedate ) ) {
$_dt = strtotime( $p->imagedate ) + $dtoffset;
$_item = findItemCoordinate( $_dt, $dt, $lat, $lon );
if ( $_item != null ) {
$item["lat"] = $_item["lat"];
$item["lon"] = $_item["lon"];
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$result[] = $item;
} else {
$error .= "Sorry, <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/function.exif-read-data.php' target='_blank' >exif_read_data</a> function not found! check your hosting..<br />";
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error .= 'Error When Retrieving attached images: $e <br />';
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return $result;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function wp_gpx_maps_sitePath() {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return substr( substr( __FILE__, 0, strrpos( __FILE__, 'wp-content' ) ), 0, -1 );
// return substr(get_home_path(), 0, -1);
function gpxFolderPath() {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$uploadsPath = $upload_dir['basedir'];
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ){
$ret = $uploadsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gpx';
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
elseif ( current_user_can( 'publish_posts' ) ) {
global $current_user;
$ret = $uploadsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gpx' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $current_user->user_login;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret );
function gpxCacheFolderPath() {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$uploadsPath = $upload_dir['basedir'];
$ret = $uploadsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gpx' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '~cache';
return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret );
function relativeGpxFolderPath() {
$sitePath = wp_gpx_maps_sitePath();
$realGpxPath = gpxFolderPath();
$ret = str_replace( $sitePath, '', $realGpxPath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret );
function relativeGpxCacheFolderPath() {
$sitePath = wp_gpx_maps_sitePath();
$realGpxCachePath = gpxCacheFolderPath();
$ret = str_replace( $sitePath, '', $realGpxCachePath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret );
function wpgpxmaps_recursive_remove_directory( $directory, $empty = false ) {
if ( substr( $directory, -1 ) == '/' )
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$directory = substr( $directory, 0, -1 );
if ( ! file_exists( $directory ) || ! is_dir( $directory ) ) {
return false;
} elseif ( is_readable( $directory ) ) {
$handle = opendir( $directory );
while ( false !== ( $item = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if ( $item != '.' && $item != '..' ) {
$path = $directory . '/' . $item;
if ( is_dir( $path ) ) {
wpgpxmaps_recursive_remove_directory( $path );
} else {
unlink( $path );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
closedir( $handle );
if ( $empty == false ) {
if ( ! rmdir( $directory ) ) {
return false;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return true;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function wpgpxmaps_getPoints( $gpxPath, $gpxOffset = 10, $donotreducegpx, $distancetype ) {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$points = array();
$dist = 0;
$lastLat = 0;
$lastLon = 0;
$lastEle = 0;
$lastOffset = 0;
if ( file_exists( $gpxPath ) ) {
$points = @wpgpxmaps_parseXml( $gpxPath, $gpxOffset, $distancetype );
} else {
echo _e( 'WP GPX Maps Error: GPX file not found!', 'wp-gpx-maps' ) . ' ' . $gpxPath;
/* Reduce the points to around 200 to speedup */
if ( $donotreducegpx != true ) {
$count = sizeof( $points->lat );
if ( $count > 200 ) {
$f = round( $count/200 );
if ( $f > 1 )
for ( $i = $count; $i > 0;$i-- )
if ( $i % $f != 0 && $points->lat[$i] != null ) {
unset( $points->dt[$i] );
unset( $points->lat[$i] );
unset( $points->lon[$i] );
unset( $points->ele[$i] );
unset( $points->dist[$i] );
unset( $points->speed[$i] );
unset( $points->hr[$i] );
unset( $points->atemp[$i] );
unset( $points->cad[$i] );
unset( $points->grade[$i] );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return $points;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function wpgpxmaps_parseXml( $filePath, $gpxOffset, $distancetype ) {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$points = null;
$points->dt = array();
$points->lat = array();
$points->lon = array();
$points->ele = array();
$points->dist = array();
$points->speed = array();
$points->hr = array();
$points->atemp = array();
$points->cad = array();
$points->grade = array();
$points->maxTime = 0;
$points->minTime = 0;
$points->maxEle = 0;
$points->minEle = 0;
$points->totalEleUp = 0;
$points->totalEleDown = 0;
$points->avgSpeed = 0;
$points->avgCad = 0;
$points->avgHr = 0;
$points->avgTemp = 0;
$points->totalLength = 0;
$gpx = simplexml_load_file( $filePath );
if ( $gpx === false )
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'a', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0' );
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'b', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1' );
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'ns3', 'http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1' );
$nodes = $gpx->xpath( '//trk | //a:trk | //b:trk ' );
/* Normal GPX */
if ( count( $nodes ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $nodes as $_trk ) {
$trk = simplexml_load_string( $_trk->asXML() );
$trk->registerXPathNamespace( 'a', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0' );
$trk->registerXPathNamespace( 'b', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1' );
$trk->registerXPathNamespace( 'ns3', 'http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1' );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$trkpts = $trk->xpath( '//trkpt | //a:trkpt | //b:trkpt' );
$lastLat = 0;
$lastLon = 0;
$lastEle = 0;
$lastTime = 0;
//$dist = 0;
$lastOffset = 0;
$speedBuffer = array();
foreach ( $trkpts as $trkpt ) {
$lat = $trkpt['lat'];
$lon = $trkpt['lon'];
$ele = $trkpt->ele;
$time = $trkpt->time;
$speed = (float) $trkpt->speed;
$hr = 0;
$atemp = 0;
$cad = 0;
$grade = 0;
if ( isset( $trkpt->extensions ) ) {
$arr = json_decode( wp_json_encode( $trkpt->extensions ), 1 );
if ( isset( $arr['ns3:TrackPointExtension'] ) ) {
$tpe = $arr['ns3:TrackPointExtension'];
$hr = @$tpe["ns3:hr"];
$atemp = @$tpe["ns3:atemp"];
$cad = @$tpe["ns3:cad"];
} elseif ( isset( $arr['TrackPointExtension'] ) ) {
$tpe = $arr['TrackPointExtension'];
$hr = @$tpe["hr"];
$atemp = @$tpe["atemp"];
$cad = @$tpe["cad"];
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
if ( $lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0 ) {
/* Base Case */
array_push( $points->dt, strtotime( $time ) );
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, (float) round( $ele, 2 ) );
array_push( $points->dist, (float) round( $dist, 2 ) );
array_push( $points->speed, 0 );
array_push( $points->hr, (float) $hr );
array_push( $points->atemp, (float) $atemp );
array_push( $points->cad, (float) $cad );
array_push( $points->grade, $grade );
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
$lastEle = $ele;
$lastTime = $time;
} else {
/* Normal Case */
$offset = calculateDistance( (float) $lat, (float) $lon, (float) $ele, (float) $lastLat, (float) $lastLon, (float) $lastEle, $distancetype );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$dist = $dist + $offset;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$points->totalLength = $dist;
if ( $speed == 0 ) {
$datediff = (float) my_date_diff( $lastTime, $time );
if ( $datediff > 0 ) {
$speed = $offset / $datediff;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
if ( $ele != 0 && $lastEle != 0 ) {
$deltaEle = (float) ( $ele - $lastEle );
if ( (float) $ele > (float) $lastEle ) {
$points->totalEleUp += $deltaEle;
} else {
$points->totalEleDown += $deltaEle;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$grade = $deltaEle / $offset * 100;
array_push( $speedBuffer, $speed );
if ( ( (float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset ) > $gpxOffset ) {
/* Bigger Offset -> write coordinate */
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$avgSpeed = 0;
foreach ( $speedBuffer as $s ) {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$avgSpeed += $s;
$avgSpeed = $avgSpeed / count( $speedBuffer );
$speedBuffer = array();
$lastOffset = 0;
array_push( $points->dt, strtotime( $time ) );
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, (float) round( $ele, 2 ) );
array_push( $points->dist, (float) round( $dist, 2 ) );
array_push( $points->speed, (float) round( $avgSpeed, 1 ) );
array_push( $points->hr, $hr );
array_push( $points->atemp, $atemp );
array_push( $points->cad, $cad );
array_push( $points->grade, (float) round( $grade, 2 ) );
} else {
/* Smoller Offset -> continue.. */
$lastOffset = (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
$lastEle = $ele;
$lastTime = $time;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
array_push( $points->dt, null );
array_push( $points->lat, null );
array_push( $points->lon, null );
array_push( $points->ele, null );
array_push( $points->dist, null );
array_push( $points->speed, null );
array_push( $points->hr, null );
array_push( $points->atemp, null );
array_push( $points->cad, null );
array_push( $points->grade, null );
unset( $trkpts );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
unset( $nodes );
try {
array_pop( $points->dt, null );
array_pop( $points->lat, null );
array_pop( $points->lon, null );
array_pop( $points->ele, null );
array_pop( $points->dist, null );
array_pop( $points->speed, null );
array_pop( $points->hr, null );
array_pop( $points->atemp, null );
array_pop( $points->cad, null );
array_pop( $points->grade, null );
$_time = array_filter( $points->dt );
$_ele = array_filter( $points->ele );
$_dist = array_filter( $points->dist );
$points->maxEle = max( $_ele );
$points->minEle = min( $_ele );
$points->totalLength = max( $_dist );
$points->maxTime = max( $_time );
$points->minTime = min( $_time );
/* Calculating Average Speed */
$_speed = array_filter( $points->speed );
$points->avgSpeed = array_sum( $_speed ) / count( $_speed );
/* Calculating Average Cadence */
$_cad = array_filter( $points->cad );
$points->avgCad = (float) round( array_sum( $_cad ) / count( $_cad ), 0 );
/* Calculating Average Heart Rate */
$_hr = array_filter( $points->hr );
$points->avgHr = (float) round( array_sum( $_hr ) / count( $_hr ), 0 );
/* Calculating Average Temperature */
$_temp = array_filter( $points->atemp );
$points->avgTemp = (float) round( array_sum( $_temp ) / count( $_temp ), 1 );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
} else {
/* GPX Garmin case */
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'gpxx', 'http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3' );
$nodes = $gpx->xpath( '//gpxx:rpt' );
if ( count( $nodes ) > 0 ) {
$lastLat = 0;
$lastLon = 0;
$lastEle = 0;
$dist = 0;
$lastOffset = 0;
/* GPX Garmin case */
foreach ( $nodes as $rpt ) {
$lat = $rpt['lat'];
$lon = $rpt['lon'];
if ( $lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0 ) {
/* Base Case */
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, 0 );
array_push( $points->dist, 0 );
array_push( $points->speed, 0 );
array_push( $points->hr, 0 );
array_push( $points->atemp, 0 );
array_push( $points->cad, 0 );
array_push( $points->grade, 0 );
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
} else {
/* Base Case */
$offset = calculateDistance( $lat, $lon, 0, $lastLat, $lastLon, 0, $distancetype );
$dist = $dist + $offset;
if ( ( (float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset ) > $gpxOffset ) {
/* Bigger Offset -> write coordinate */
$lastOffset = 0;
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, 0 );
array_push( $points->dist, 0 );
array_push( $points->speed, 0 );
array_push( $points->hr, 0 );
array_push( $points->atemp, 0 );
array_push( $points->cad, 0 );
array_push( $points->grade, 0 );
} else {
/* Smoller Offset -> continue.. */
$lastOffset = (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
unset( $nodes );
} else {
/* GPX Strange case */
$nodes = $gpx->xpath( '//rtept | //a:rtept | //b:rtept' );
if ( count( $nodes ) > 0 ) {
$lastLat = 0;
$lastLon = 0;
$lastEle = 0;
$dist = 0;
$lastOffset = 0;
/* Garmin case */
foreach ( $nodes as $rtept ) {
$lat = $rtept['lat'];
$lon = $rtept['lon'];
if ( $lastLat == 0 && $lastLon == 0 ) {
/* Base Case */
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, 0 );
array_push( $points->dist, 0 );
array_push( $points->speed, 0 );
array_push( $points->hr, 0 );
array_push( $points->atemp, 0 );
array_push( $points->cad, 0 );
array_push( $points->grade, 0 );
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
} else {
/* Normal Case */
$offset = calculateDistance( $lat, $lon, 0, $lastLat, $lastLon, 0, $distancetype );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$dist = $dist + $offset;
if ( ( (float) $offset + (float) $lastOffset ) > $gpxOffset ) {
/* Bigger Offset -> write coordinate */
$lastOffset = 0;
array_push( $points->lat, (float) $lat );
array_push( $points->lon, (float) $lon );
array_push( $points->ele, 0 );
array_push( $points->dist, 0 );
array_push( $points->speed, 0 );
array_push( $points->hr, 0 );
array_push( $points->atemp, 0 );
array_push( $points->cad, 0 );
array_push( $points->grade, 0 );
} else {
/* Smoller Offset -> continue.. */
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$lastOffset= (float) $lastOffset + (float) $offset;
$lastLat = $lat;
$lastLon = $lon;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
unset( $nodes );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
unset( $gpx );
return $points;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function wpgpxmaps_getWayPoints( $gpxPath ) {
$points = array();
if ( file_exists( $gpxPath ) ) {
try {
$gpx = simplexml_load_file( $gpxPath );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo _e( 'WP GPX Maps Error: Can&#8217;t parse xml file!', 'wp-gpx-maps' ) . ' ' . $gpxPath;
return $points;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'a', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0' );
$gpx->registerXPathNamespace( 'b', 'http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1' );
$nodes = $gpx->xpath( '//wpt | //a:wpt | //b:wpt' );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
global $wpdb;
if ( count( $nodes ) > 0 ) {
/* Normal case */
foreach ( $nodes as $wpt ) {
$lat = $wpt['lat'];
$lon = $wpt['lon'];
$ele = (string) $wpt->ele;
$time = (string) $wpt->time;
$name = (string) $wpt->name;
$desc = (string) $wpt->desc;
$sym = (string) $wpt->sym;
$type = (string) $wpt->type;
$img = '';
if ( $sym ) {
$img_name = 'map-marker-' . $sym;
$query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE post_name LIKE '{$img_name}' AND post_type LIKE 'attachment'";
$img_id = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
if ( ! is_null( $img_id ) ) {
$img = wp_get_attachment_url( $img_id );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
array_push($points, array(
"lat" => (float) $lat,
"lon" => (float) $lon,
"ele" => (float) $ele,
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
"time" => $time,
"name" => $name,
"desc" => $desc,
"sym" => $sym,
"type" => $type,
"img" => $img,
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return $points;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function toRadians( $degrees ) {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
return (float) ( $degrees * 3.1415926535897932385 / 180 );
function calculateDistance ( $lat1, $lon1, $ele1, $lat2, $lon2, $ele2, $distancetype ) {
/* Distance typ: Climb */
if ( $distancetype == '2' ) {
return (float) $ele1 - (float) $ele2;
/* Distance typ: Flat */
} elseif ( $distancetype == '1' ) {
$alpha = (float) sin( (float) toRadians( (float) $lat2 - (float) $lat1 ) / 2 );
$beta = (float) sin( (float) toRadians( (float) $lon2 - (float) $lon1 ) / 2 );
/* Distance in meters */
$a = (float) ( (float) $alpha * (float) $alpha ) + (float) ( (float) cos( (float) toRadians( $lat1 ) ) * (float) cos( (float) toRadians( $lat2 ) ) * (float) $beta * (float) $beta );
$dist = 2 * 6369628.75 * (float) atan2( (float) sqrt( (float) $a ), (float) sqrt( 1 - (float) $a ) );
return (float) sqrt( (float) pow( (float) $dist, 2 ) + pow( (float) $lat1 - (float) $lat2, 2 ) );
/* Distance typ: Normal */
} else {
$alpha = (float) sin( (float) toRadians( (float) $lat2 - (float) $lat1 ) / 2 );
$beta = (float) sin( (float) toRadians( (float) $lon2 - (float) $lon1 ) / 2 );
/* Distance in meters */
$a = (float) ( (float) $alpha * (float) $alpha ) + (float) ( (float) cos( (float) toRadians( $lat1 ) ) * (float) cos( (float) toRadians( $lat2 ) ) * (float) $beta * (float) $beta );
$dist = 2 * 6369628.75 * (float) atan2( (float) sqrt( (float) $a ), (float) sqrt( 1 - (float) $a ) );
$d = (float) sqrt( (float) pow( (float) $dist, 2 ) + pow( (float) $lat1 - (float) $lat2, 2 ) );
return sqrt( (float) pow( (float) $ele1 - (float) $ele2, 2 ) + (float) pow( (float) $d, 2 ) );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
function my_date_diff( $old_date, $new_date ) {
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
$t1 = strtotime( $new_date );
$t2 = strtotime( $old_date );
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00
/* Fix for milliceconds */
$t1 += date_getDecimals( $new_date );
$t2 += date_getDecimals( $old_date );
$offset = (float) ( $t1 - $t2 );
return $offset;
function date_getDecimals( $date ) {
if ( preg_match( '(\.([0-9]{2})Z?)', $date, $matches ) ) {
return (float) ( (float) $matches[1] / 100 );
} else {
return 0;
2018-03-09 09:02:25 +00:00