* Added: Authors can upload GPX tracks in a folder called as *your user name*, inside [../wp-upload dir/gpx/[*your user name*] (thanks to wildcomputations) * Added: Authors an Admins can see the current values for shortcodes in help tab * Added: Button to instant copy the shortcode of the selected GPX file in the tab track * Added: different size logos for the plugin store (icon.svg, icon128x128.png and icon256x256.png) [inside ../plugins/wp-gpx-maps/assets] * Changed: Settings tab is for non-Admin users is not more visible * Tweak: Help tab is easier to read * Tweak: Plugin is now complete translatable (Backend + Frontend) * Tweak: WordPress coding standards * Upgrade: Leaflet to 1.5.1 * Upgrade: leaflet.fullscreen to 1.4.5 * Upgrade: Chart.min.js to 2.8.0 Many thanks to Kniebremser for its help |
.. | ||
.eslintrc | ||
.mversionrc | ||
Control.FullScreen.css | ||
Control.FullScreen.js | ||
README.md | ||
bower.json | ||
icon-fullscreen-2x.png | ||
icon-fullscreen.png | ||
index.html | ||
package.json |
What ?
Simple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen button to your maps.
Inspired by http://elidupuis.github.com/leaflet.zoomfs/
Use the native javascript fullscreen API http://johndyer.name/native-fullscreen-javascript-api-plus-jquery-plugin/
Released under the MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
How ?
Include Control.FullScreen.js and Control.FullScreen.css in your page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Control.FullScreen.css" />
<script src="Control.FullScreen.js"></script>
Add the fullscreen control to the map:
var map = new L.Map('map', {
fullscreenControl: true,
fullscreenControlOptions: {
position: 'topleft'
If your map have a zoomControl the fullscreen button will be added at the bottom of this one.
If your map doesn't have a zoomContron the fullscreen button will be added to topleft corner of the map (same as the zoomcontrol).
If you want to use the plugin on a map embedded in an iframe, don't forget to set allowfullscreen
attribute on your iframe.
Events and options:
// create a fullscreen button and add it to the map
position: 'topleft', // change the position of the button can be topleft, topright, bottomright or bottomleft, defaut topleft
title: 'Show me the fullscreen !', // change the title of the button, default Full Screen
titleCancel: 'Exit fullscreen mode', // change the title of the button when fullscreen is on, default Exit Full Screen
content: null, // change the content of the button, can be HTML, default null
forceSeparateButton: true, // force seperate button to detach from zoom buttons, default false
forcePseudoFullscreen: true, // force use of pseudo full screen even if full screen API is available, default false
fullscreenElement: false // Dom element to render in full screen, false by default, fallback to map._container
// events are fired when entering or exiting fullscreen.
map.on('enterFullscreen', function(){
console.log('entered fullscreen');
map.on('exitFullscreen', function(){
console.log('exited fullscreen');
Where ?
Source code : https://github.com/brunob/leaflet.fullscreen
Downloads : https://github.com/brunob/leaflet.fullscreen/releases