* Added: Authors can upload GPX tracks in a folder called as *your user name*, inside [../wp-upload dir/gpx/[*your user name*] (thanks to wildcomputations) * Added: Authors an Admins can see the current values for shortcodes in help tab * Added: Button to instant copy the shortcode of the selected GPX file in the tab track * Added: different size logos for the plugin store (icon.svg, icon128x128.png and icon256x256.png) [inside ../plugins/wp-gpx-maps/assets] * Changed: Settings tab is for non-Admin users is not more visible * Tweak: Help tab is easier to read * Tweak: Plugin is now complete translatable (Backend + Frontend) * Tweak: WordPress coding standards * Upgrade: Leaflet to 1.5.1 * Upgrade: leaflet.fullscreen to 1.4.5 * Upgrade: Chart.min.js to 2.8.0 Many thanks to Kniebremser for its help |
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layers-2x.png | ||
layers.png | ||
marker-icon-2x.png | ||
marker-icon.png | ||
marker-shadow.png |