./src/serviceWorkerRegistration.ts:21:0 - warning Config is referenced by serviceWorkerRegistration.register.register.config but not included in the documentation.
GeoJSON might be of interest as an intermediate format since a number of JS libraries have been developed to perform queries or draw GeoJSON data as SVG.
This can be done by updating their sources in the node_modules directory and using the patch-package npm CLI command (thanks [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/13302095/1402881)) :
$npx patch-package localized-strings
However, it takes ages before `ionic serve` takes these modifications into account.
* [Create Your Own VSCode Snippets - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻](https://dev.to/brianmmdev/create-your-own-vscode-snippets-33c7)
* [vscode settings - How can I create templates for file extensions in Visual Studio Code? - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50571130/how-can-i-create-templates-for-file-extensions-in-visual-studio-code)